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Is there really such a thing as a "mutual" break up?

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I've either dumped or been dumped. Pardon my naivety, but I imagine a mutual break-up going something like this:



Him/Her: "This relationships isn't working for me. I think we should break up."


Her/Him: "Wow, talk of telepathy! I was just about to say exactly that! Yes, I totally agree, let's break up."



To my mind, whoever brings up the break up first is essentially the dumper.



Any [real] examples of mutual break-ups? Please enlighten me

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With my last one, I said it wasn't working for me, and he said he agreed that if he wasn't working for one of us, it wasn't gonna work out at all. We then knew what the next step was. No arguing, no begging, no trying to get back together—just lots of crying and breakup sex. I felt dumped too by him agreeing the relationship wasn't working that and it's taken more time to get over it then other real times where I was the only one wanting to breakup.


So I think it was mutual. It didn't take neither of us by surprise. I think by mutual, both are dumpees—one just actually had the courage to set all the cards on the table. It's hurt just as bad than being dumped I would say.

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The one with my last bf was pretty mutual. He got immature and wanted me back but simply because I was the first one to suggest the break up. He didn't want me either and it was apparent from his actions. I didn't mind, found it hurtful, but knew I didn't want him either. So technically, it was mutual...

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