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You just never know


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Well to make a long story short i dated this girl and she was fun to be with. We both love to work out, eat healthy, and went to the same college. Well she broke up with me i agreed and then never called her again. Shes a very very good looking girl and i just went with she is out of my life forever. Well a week or two ago i get a friend request i accept it. I log on a couple days later and she messages me. Later i felt bad about leaving her message on short notice i call her. We catch up a little and that was it and now she texts me everyday asking how my day is. I respond but just not leting her back in completely. Do i know what she wants no if she even wants anything. I am happy being single and she is looking for someone. Honestly, i believe that if two people really meant something to each other they will find there way back as friends, or more. U just never know what the future holds, so just take it as it comes and just be happy.

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