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Intresting situation


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Ok so to make a long story short around novemember my old ex and i broke up. She gave me all the bs lines ur too good for me, and u deserve someone better. So did what everyone told me not to seeing as it was my first breakup and she broke up with me. I was hung up on her forever then i dated another girl kinda rebounded. Then the day after the new gf and i broke up i wrote my ex back a letter saying sorry. She accepted and said she was sorry i said thanks and that was it. I really wanted to heal so i blocked both and deleted facebook. Went back on two months later unblocked being over them both. My recent ex added me and on that same day my old ex blocked me. My question is why? I can say i am over her cuz i can look at her and no feelings, or thoughts come back. Just like looking at someone i don't know. Can someone tell me why u would?

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She doesn't want to deal with you yet. Maybe she isn't over it. Just let it go, and if you are over her then why are you on this forum asking that question? Because if you were it most likely would not bother you very much. I think you should probably still be a bit single for awhile. Just because you can look at her and no feelings or thoughts come back doesn't mean they aren't there. Do you think maybe you are blocking those feelings out?

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See the thing is she was the one to tell me to move on and that so i did. I started dating other girls after i saw she was dating this guy. I am asking this question because i want to know why? im a person that would just like to know. Like im sure u would want to know if someone u used to care about hates u if not then im sorry im an extremly catholic person and i dont like people hating me. Im not because im seeing other girls i dont get reminded of her, i dont miss her. Ive seen picture of her and her ex it doesnt make me mad, sad or anything. I kinda dont care i just want to know why someone would do that.

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You won't know why, and I don't know why. The reason is irrelevant really. I understand your want to know. I don't think she hates you, it's probably just easier for her. See the thing is she was the one to tell me to move on and that so i did. I started dating other girls after i saw she was dating this guy. This glares out to me. I'm not here to judge you, but why in the hell are you basing your actions/reactions on someone else's behavior? That's not healthy. Start thinking about what YOU want, and about YOUR feelings not someone else's. If your catholic then take a dive inside and see what is there.


There's millions of reasons/possibilities of why she did it. It doesn't really matter, you just need to accept that and don't worry about it.

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