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i live in the south, tx as a matter of fact and im half white half hispanic. The towns around me are majority white with blacks being right behind them, hispanics make up 10% of the population.


The problem im having is at times, i will see a nice white woman. I have dated both hispanics and whites, but most whites that i have dated admited to me that they dont like white men. I m not that bad looking and ive seen white women pass me over for other guys good looking and not. The goodlooking i can let go after all u cant win them all, but the bad looking is what bothers me


I dont really know what to think. I feel that i cant get a woman due to my race. When i have dated before(white women only) i have been told that i shouldnt speak spanish or that i wasnt "raised right" due to the fact that i was raised in a hispanic house and im somewhat unknowledgable about certain ways or customs.


I really feel down about the whole situation and i feel that im stuck in a place where i dont belong. Moving out is not an option since i am currently going to school here. I just feel really lost and alone. I do not think its right that i say ok im not going to date whites anymore due to this. Ive never had these problems with a hispanic woman, however hispanic woman are hard to come by. The question is, is it me? is it my race? is there anyone in the south that can tell me this? i just dont know what to do anymore...i take really good care of myself and i have a light tan but my face is not "white" i have more of hispanic features but my skin is light...what should i do?

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Hi there,

Don't apologize for your mix. Be proud of it. Mixed people are usually very attractive and you are blessed to have both cultures.


I have a feeling you are pretty young so I would tell you that maybe these girls you are asking out haven't matured too much yet. You might also be giving off the wrong signals and they are catching on to this. You could either appear too insecure or too standoffish. Either one is a turnoff.

If it's neither of these then chalk it up to the women's past experience with white men--maybe it was not good and now you are paying for it.


I live in south TX where the population is mostly hispanic ( like me). I have dated white men before. All I can say is that there's good and bad on both sides of the color spectrum.

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You know hun, it could simply be that those women just don't feel that your personality and theirs is a good mix. Or it could be a maturity thing. The problem is that men and women say yes to one person and no to another for a million different reasons! You'll never know why. The best that you can do is to not let that get in your way! Be proud of who you are, keep being true to yourself, and eventually things will pan out.

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i guess perhaps ur right maybe but since im tx i dont really see alot of interacial dating going on here..these are small towns after all


i know how to play the dating game i am 26. i think the problem maybe these girls are young while they are legal perhaps they are not true enough but no matter what the reason, being told i shouldnt speak my language and listening to music that i like is just unacceptable


so sorry i dont buy the fact that they choose other guys for numerous reasons esp, when i know i look better than the other guy and everything. I have been treated bad by whites in the past and that certainly doesnt help things. Now thinking about it, why should i even bother..

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i say love is blind...




being realistic interracial dating is never fully going to be accepted by most (be it black, white, asian etc.). Additionally being honest in Middle America aka The Heartland/Midwest/Plains States you're definitely going to find more hostility if you're a non-white male trying to date a white female (especially if you're a black male such as myself). Hence while as long as I'm here in Oklahoma I wouldn't even try to strike up a conversation or go on a date with a white women for fear of the treatment we'd receive in public here. Not that the west coast, east coast or the northeast are way better, but I'm sure the tolerance out there is better than in the regions we both live in.


So it's not so much you man but the area of the country you live in, Texas + Small Town America = Problems if you're the type of person who doesn't mind dating outside of your race.

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