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he has no time for me , what should i do ?


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he has found a job , so have to work from 9am to 6 pm ( but when he is back from work , it is almost 9pm or later )everyday ...wake up at 6:45 and go to bed about 11pm....see , how busy he is ...i don't think he has any time for me ( the worse is we don't live at the same city ,we can only contact by net ) ...so what should i do now , i am afraid that we will lost contact ...i do miss the old days that we can chat day and night .he is such an important guy for me ..i don't want to lose him ....can someone give me any suggest that how to maintain the relation??

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Well, there are many different ways to maintain a relationship like this. But before we can give you the best advice we can offer, we will need to know your age. When you're older, you can do thing's like move closer or even move in with him.


Will check back soon.

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i am 20(almost 21) and i am studying ( the city i am studying in is different from his ) , i don't think i can move in with him . and what is more we never meet face to face ..we are just net friends but i really like this guy and i want to keep in touch with him ..

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i'd reccomend emailing him and keep it up that way i have to get a job soon so the friends i talk to online and my friends in person i wont see as much which is a down side but things happen for a reason but they dont have to be a bad reason if you stay in touch and he keeps working when you finish your studys he may have enough money to let you move in with him and find a job there.


I hope it works out well for you, best wishes

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yes, i do think e-mail is a good way to keep in touch .

today , he asked me that if i want he to come to meet me , i answered no , but actually i do want to meet him face to face , but i am afraid he will mind my looking now . as i am making my teeth straight , so when i smile , it is so ugly ...i told him , i want to meet him next year (my teeth are done then )...but will he fall in love with other girls? after all , we haven't met in the real world . u know , i am really afriad he will love someone else , i don't want to lose him.... can e-mails keep this guy for me ? what can i do besides emails ?

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here there! why you guys always say send him an email! if he is not able to check the email, he can reply you, and you say that he is very busy, so email maybe not the best way!! now, you know what, every one has a cell phone!!!! you can give him a text message!! and he can reply you right away!(hopefully) and you will feel much closer with him!!! so you dont have to turn on your computer!

good luck!!

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Sweetheart when a man cares for you he will find the time. Even 5 to 10 minutes to drop you an email telling you he is thinking about you.


You should allow him to come and see you. If he cares for you the way you do for him he won't mind the teeth plus he knows you are fixing them. You really should meet him and find out if your feelings are true.


My friend met her fiance over internet (on an online date site) and he drove from California to Texas to meet her. He made the trip to look at his dream girl face to face.


You deserve the same. Be good to yourself.



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