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31 days since BU- Looked at his Pic for the first time.....BEYOND DEVASTATED!!!

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31 days since the BU........Have not stopped crying for one day. I just looked at his picture for the first time in 31 days. It was our trip to St. Martin, what an amazing time.....


I still feel this is sooooooooooooooooooooooo wrong. My guts and instincts tell me that this is not supposed to be this way. I have no signs of feeling any better. Mostly I just sit and start or watch TV. I think this BU trauma has caused me to mentally block most of this situation out. I guess I know what people mean when they say when something really bad happens your body automatically blocks the pain...... I don't talk to anyone, won't call my friends or family back. I can't move forward no matter what I think about or try to do.....

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I strongly suggest you call up some family and friends. It's been a little over a month since my BU, and today I was feeling horrible because my ex has a new gf already and I strongly suspect he left me for her. I just got done talking to one of my long-time friends, and we made plans to see each other this summer and talked about our jobs and stuff, and I feel TONS better!

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Im going through the exact same thing. Im so depressed... everyday I walk around feeling worthless. Whenever im at work I look angry or upset or im m just walking around with a blank stare. I can't feel happiness anymore. I try and try and all I feel is pain. I can't get over that the one I planned my future with is no longer going to be in it..trust me I know. I wish I knew what to tell you. I need the same advice. I've tried everything but nothing works. I still miss him. And when I see photos..im done!

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Start with getting rid of the photos. You don't have to destroy them if you don't want to. Simply transfer them onto an external hard-drive. Get rid of all the photos from Facebook or anywhere else online. Make sure they are not easily accessible to you.


I know we all love making love to our depression by torturing ourselves, but it's a lot easier to be happy than be depressed.


YOU come first. So make sure you take of yourself.

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Oh good lord. Have you seen a professional? I got dumped this past weekend. It's been so bad that my friend begged me to make an appt. That appt is tomorrow. I do not want to feel this broken 30 days post breakup. F that!

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