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Do I have a right to be jelous


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first off this is not just a question, but also a vent, so thank you for listening. and sorry this is so long.


The background: This girl and I have been dating for 4 months now. I feel very close to her, very comfortable around her, and get a long great with her family. (I went on a 5 day camping trip with her and her family)

(and she has gone on trips with my familly) for the past month things have been going exceptionaly good, and I have been very happy. Technically we are not seeing each other exclusive, but with exceptions for the first two months we have only been seeing each other.


Now, recently I was diagnosed with mononucleosis, (she doesnt have it) and shingles. Two days after this I was in a serious car accident and totaled my car. I have not been the happiest guy in the world and kind of needed some extra attention (well as extra as you can get without giving her mono or shingles) which she has been doing a pretty good job with. She cam and picked me up from work today and on the way home she got a text message from a guy that I know is interested in her. she dropped me off at home, I went and took a shower, and was out looking for a new car when she called, I asked her what she was doing tonight and she said that Mike (the other guy) was coming over and they were going to watch a movie at her house. I tried to play it off cool at the moment but when in reality it really hurt.


Am I justified in feeling this way?


Thank you for reading and the input.



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Sounds like she either has no idea this guy has any interest in her, or she is playing with your head.


Best bet is too ask HER about it and draw conclusions from that. Maybe that guy was bringing over other friends, or maybe something else is up you dont know yet.


Good luck and take care of yourself and get better. Btw wth are you doing going to work with mono?

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Make sure you don't get into a conversation where she ends up saying "so I can't hang out at my house with any other guy but you?"


That said, it is on its face not appropriate for her to be hanging out alone with another guy when she is in a relationship with you. If there is a movie to be watched, she could invite you over too, bring him to your place or whatever. That doesn't mean anything like cheating is going on or will (your girl may be a good one), but she ought not be putting her hand into the lion's mouth just to see.

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I would just say, hey...I know we've never discussed exlusivity in our relationship, so I'm not sure if I even have a right to be jealous about this guy coming over to your house to watch a movie. But I'm curious - is this a "date" or just a friend?


And then just leave it at that and see what she says. If she gets really defensive, don't reply. Let her keep talking.

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