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Self-confidence and getting your game on

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Do you ever stop to think about what other people have done in life or how much have self-confidence they have? And does that inspire you to get your game on? or do you feel defeated by it?


It's odd. I grew up being pretty good at school. but once I started working and saw how other people were, I felt more that there's a lot of competition out there!


at times I'm blown away when I think of really successful people. It's as tho they had a goal and they went for it. I haven't had a goal or a clue.


How do you get inspired instead a feeling defeated?

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People who are successful at what they do enjoy what they do. You'll do a much better job at something if you enjoy it. And if you're doing good at something it'll build your confindence.


Another thing I'm learning is that you can't rely on other people to give you confidence (ie. your girlfriend/wife reassuring you of how good you are at something or complementing you, your parents patting you on the back when you do something good, etc), because where would you be if that stopped all of a sudden. You can only truly rely on yourself and God and sometimes not even yourself cause you are only human. If you can be confindent with yourself without other people's reassurance then that's a big step.


Don't worry about what other people are doing, cause you don't know what's really going on in their life. They could be confindent and doing well on the surface, but depressed and miserable inside. It takes a strong person to be truly confident and happy with themself expecially when life throws you obsticles.


Exercise to get those endorphins running through you, eat healthy, get sleep and just be happy with yourself and not dwell on what other people are doing.

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Another thing I'm learning is that you can't rely on other people to give you confidence ... because where would you be if that stopped all of a sudden.


Don't worry about what other people are doing, cause you don't know what's really going on in their life. They could be confindent and doing well on the surface, but depressed and miserable inside.


Thanks, caliboy! You make some very good points. i appreciate your reply.

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