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5 year age gap

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oh , man , just five years? indeed , five years is not too much ...if u are match in character...i don't know why u will say five years is an age gap ....u know ? men olden than women for several years is very common ...honestly, i do want to find a bf or husband who is several years older than me , then he can take care of me just like a little girl , and he may think more maturely than me ..i can get more favor from the age difference

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I'm in a 5 year age gap relationship...and honestly people think I'm crazy. I'm 15 and he's 20. But I honestly don't care, we both agreed to wait until I'm old enough legally to get too serious but this guy is unlike anybody I have ever met. Haha, but what I'm trying to say is, it's not the age that matters it's the maturity. I'm very mature for my age because of the different things I had to go through as a kid, so naturally I grew up faster. As long as you two are mentally the same age that's all that matters.

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This is how you know a girl is too young for you: Take your age, divide it by 2, and add 7. For you, you are 23 so half of that is 11.5 and add 7=18.5...so the youngest girl should be 18.5......


hope that helps !!!!!


That doesn't really work. The age gap means less the older you get, so what that equation works to be say a 2 year age gap in dating, in a couple of years time, that person will be able to have a relationship with say a 5 year age gap. So if they had a 5 year age gap to start with, it's unnacceptable until that person is a couple of years older, and all of a sudden there relationship status moves into the acceptable zone???


Anyway, a 5 year age gap is nothing, if you love each other that's all that should matter.

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Brt is right, it has nothing to do with age and everything to do with maturity. I'm 19 and in a great relationship with a man who is eight years older than me. We have so much fun together, and, aside from him working and me being in college, the age gap has absolutely no effect on us.


On the other hand, I have a friend who is 36 but acts like he's 16. I don't think he's had a healthy, steady relationship since... well, EVER! Maturity is what really makes or breaks relationships! Good luck!

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"'That doesn't really work. The age gap means less the older you get""


i think the rule does work very well......like i think its reasonable for a 30 year old guy to date a girl no younger than 22..otherwise they have very little in common......or a 40 year old to date someone who is atleast 27....or a 60 year old to date someone who is atleast 37..it works well i think!!!!!

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