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It's funny....


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Well not really funny, more like really disgusting. I'm talking about life. I am so fed up with this pain I have to deal with day after day, and while I know I am responsible for me, it's other people's words and actions that have caused so many wounds. I truly wish I had the courage to take my life....I have a pair of scissors and I tried to cut just now and I used to cut often, but I lost the nerve to do so every since I struck a nerve in a my arm. But the physical pain feels better than the emotional. I want the hurt to stop, but it won't.

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Then pretend to meditate. Clear your head, clear your mind and close your eyes. If it is still day time wherever 'southcarolina' is, make the room dark. Put a pillow over your eyes. Do your best to think of nothing.


This works for me when things are going crazy. I should know, i am whats called 'introverted'. I think so much it is literally a traffic jam in there. All day, every day. Doing this helps me to dull the racket in there.

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Well I sometimes people just sort of end up in my life....other times, they've always been there. I honestly don't know how a person is gonna treat me until I get to know them. The people who at least make an effort to be understanding are few and far between. But when you have to deal with people like family or so called support systems, well that's the majority at this time.

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There was a similar post last night... and I menioned that being love sick is (in my opinion) the worst feeling in the world. It hurts more then any other pain. Like you said physical pain is easier to deal with and its true.. but I've been in your situation before, and if you can get to the other side then you'll be a better person I promise... there's no better feeling then overcoming a heartbreak or depression, whether its months or years.

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