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getting over someone

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ok well check this out over this summer i started to talk to this girl and well we both fell for eachother very quickly. I would always ask her if i had a chance with her and she would always say i did. So she actually had me believing her.The thing is it wasnt just a summer crush i really started to like this girl and i mean a lot well i still do actually. Well she eventually sent me like 2 e-mails saying that it wouldnt work between us cause she would be uncomfortable. Then like later her cousin had called me saying that my prayers were answered and all this stuff saying that i could actually have a chance with her. Since apperently her ex that shes all like still in love with told her he didnt want to talk to her anymore and stuff like that. So i was like really you know feeling good that i was going to get a chance. Then like her ex starts talking to her agian and she starts to like, like him more and stuff. Well like im pretty sure there like going to end up going out with eachother agian and well thats ok with me like really all i care about is her being happy and i know how much she loves this guy she will preactically do anything for him and well thats fine, but see the problem is i just cant get over her its just to hard for me ive actually tried to before and i just cant do it. Its like seriosly she is all i think about i mean we pretty much talk still everyday. I mean now that school has started we talk less then we use to i mean we iuse to talk till like 4 or 5 am everyday now its just till like 11 and stuff and ilike i know she use to like me like the way i like her and well now im pretty sure she doesnt anymore . But i just need some advice on how to get over her cause honestly i just cant do it shes like the first person i think of when i wake up and like the last person i think of when i go to bed and i dont know i just really love this girl but i know that she really loves her ex bf and u just cant take that from her. So i would just like some advice on how i can get over her i mean i dont want to get over her but i just feel like if i dont get over her i will just get in between her and her ex relationshiip and i dont want to do that so if anyone has any advice on how to get over someone or at leat something wtrite me back thanks

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It's called 'NC' No Contact... The only way to get over someone you love...


You won't forget them ... that is impossible... It will just make things easier for you... you can move on with your life...


Don't talk to her at all... explain it to her first then stop talking... it will be hard for both of you... but best in the long run for you


Good Luck

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damn i was hoping that no contact wouldnt be the only solution but o well cause i dont want to stop talking to her but i mean i guess it might be for the best suxs but i guess if its the only way man it suxs when u like someone enough that u dont want to stop talking to them but i guess im just going to have to deal with it right well thanks for ur help

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Trust me on this NC is really the only way -


I mean it doesn't have to be forever - I have a couple exes I was great friends with and if I wasn't so stubborn it would be cool to be friends right now - but like I said I'm stubborn and not going to be the one to make the first call.


But u SERIOUSLY need time to yourself - usually this can take like about a month - so think a month of no contact- u have to find 30 days to do something with yourself and not call her or speak to her. just chillax and have a good time. She is not going anywhere during that time - she is not going to die or anything. And trust me u need to ignore her phone calls and stuff too. Then, after a month, what you need to do is reevaluate your feelings and such. Ask yourself if you still have feelings for her, and if you would be ok if she was seeing other people, and really think about if u are ready to be her friend. Maybe you won't be in which case u will need to keep going with no contact until u are.


Believe me the pain only stays if u keep talking to her...

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