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Well me and my ex have been broken up for a month and a half. i never called her or saw her. i wrote her letters and tried to show her that i still love her thats because we talked and she wanted me to show her so i did. Then i stopped that cause her parents, she broke up with me because she found someone better, i did not do any thing wrong or to hurt her in any way what so ever. In the end she treated me really bad and i told her that i forgave her for hurting me so bad. anyways thats long story but she called me at one O clock in the morning but my phone was off so i did not know till that night. she laft a message saying nothing but just crying. i called her that night then when i heard it ring i hung up. second later she calls back so i answer and she asked me why i hung and i said that i was getting ready for bed so she was like O ok il call you back some other time and thats when i asked her if she was ok and i asked her why she was crying and she said that she was frustrated. she wouldnt tell me why but its not at school or family, friends ect. She said that she doesent think that she deserves talking to me and thats when i told her that i have forgave her and its ok. i told her that i am the kind of person who forgives other people and then i said it again, i forgive you for everything then i said good night then hung up.


yes she has a new boyfriend if that helps.


please help very confused.

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