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ok so its my first post im 21


i was in the best relationship ever for 2 years and then he started being mean, ignoring me, smoking pot and no attention to me. after two years he ended it after acting that way for a week or two and this was a year ago and i'm still sad


i quit my very good job i had going and dropped out of college and ended up on anti-depresssants, but after it all i still can't stop thinking about him

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Sadface - you're wallowing in self-pity right now and you need to snap out of it. What are you accomplishing by dropping everything because of this break up? Nothing but making yourself feel even worse. You probably won't start getting over him until you start feeling better about yourself - so start doing things that will cheer you up. Make small plans each day - tasks that you want to accomplish - and do them. You'll feel a bit better each day and eventually you'll be okay.

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It will get easier NOT to think about it if you distract yourself. No more excuses. Get outside and do something, start making a plan - right now. Even if all it is is... Iron my clothes today. Whatever. Distract yourself. Make yourself stop thinking about it. If you really want to feel happy you need to actively decide - I will heal.


Its hard for me too. I feel like in healing I am like... leaving the relationship (even though its long over). That special connection is fading and its so scary and frightening and all my hope of getting back together needs to be burried. Part of me doesn't want to stop hurting, because if I stop hurting it means its really over. Once I heal and move on... there's no turning back and it is totally, completely, over. That's scary! But I need to do it! I need to move on. I need to make goals.


And so do you.

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