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ex gfs mom called me 4 times

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its been three months since the break up . my ex told my friend to message her and i did. well we talk and then we stop talking next day i message her and she ignores me. gos into myspace deleted the pictures of us together and post moving on. to be honest this hurt my feelings. so i send her an email. ever since i met her all i ever really wanted to feel is that she cares about me like a person not a wallet. so i sed her this last email. because its not right that she did that. well her mom calls me four times in a row. three from her phone and once from my ex gfs phone. to be honest i felt way better when i sent this email. there is way more to the story. so if her mom really wants to know im going to say it. because i dont like how i was accuse of asking my ex for sex when she was the one who made me feel bad if i did not want to do anything. she would tell me that if i love her il do it. i always protected my ex since i met her. but when i was with her i was stressed i wanted her to just treat me like a person. be a friend. if she gets a bf im fine with that. i just dont want to feel like after i ran out of money she just threw me to the side.here is the email i sent her



to be honest i felt like you took advantage off me.you told your mom everything i did but never thought about why this happened.your mom had the chance to tell me off but never listened to what i really had to say instead she just hung up on me.i know feelings where running high but to be honest i never really felt like i had the chance to tell my side of the story. there is more to the story then what i sent game. i think its wrong the way you treated me and expected me to act like nothing happened.think about it this way. what would you of told your brother if he was in my place?i worked the whole christmas season to be able to visit you worked almost every day the whole day. at one point i had three jobs managed to help out the family and also managed to get you what you wanted.your mom acted like i was trying to take advantage of the situtation. when all i ever wanted to do is help you . i talked to game the whole night. as you know i told him that i was worried about you.i stayed up all night trying to find answers on what to do.all i ever wanted to do is make you happy, get you help.all i remember is how scared you looked and even though you broke my heart i was trying to be there for you.i found this site where i started an online journal. the things below this are some of the things i posted. last time i texted you , you pretty much ignored me. i Have been doing all this things to change so i can be a good friend to you. if you decide to to read threw this you will see what i have been doing.you told me you wanted to be friend i did what you wanted and now you ignore me?listen im not trying to hurt your feelings or anything but i just think you should see my side. if you read threw this you will see that all i ever wanted was to feel like you care for me as a person. last time that we talked i know it was kind of akward to be honest i felt like you came right at time. because i have been stressing out and needed a friend. i dont know if you know this but game has been busy lastly because hes going to go to arizona soon so i havent had the chance to talk to him until he got online and you told him that you told me to message you. the reason i was quiet was because i have been stressing out.




she talked about been friends. and i started reading to make it the best friendship possible. the first step was to give each other space. but do it in good terms. i told her that i couldnt do this any more so she would stop getting deffensive.then i tallked to her told her what i wanted and she tld me what she wanted. i started working on myself. looking at what whent wrong looking at what i need to change.at this time i figured that it would be best to start a journal. look at what hurt me and just let it go. which was the next step. the next step after that was to remember the good times . remember how we where there for each other as friends. this will start to change the way our heart works. from been inlove to seen each other more like family;then i started going out meeting people. having a life going to the gym. which was the next step have a great life. after that message them ask them how there doing find something that reminds you of them. find a show or movie with two best friends. then tell them about the good times but dont rush into it.take it slow. an ex can be your best friend because they know so much about you and if something gos wrong they know what to do.




its been almost 2 months and a half since the break up. at this point i just feel used. i tried been a good bf to my ex. never hit her call her names or anything like that. i would get mad at times but it was because of the way she made me feel. i feel like crying right now i feel so down .this are some of the things that happned.



during the time my dad left the house i was working three jobs because i wanted to help my family out. i was even working on ebay and had my ex to help me out.well her computer started to mess up so it old her to save her money. well she spends it on dog cloth and other stuff. ok im fine with that. well later her computer breaks compltly so i tell her il help her get a computer. tell her to choose one with a cam. well later i find out i dont have enough money to get her the one she wanted i just have enough to get the mini.i tell her that i would get her the mini since it has a cam and good memory. i told her that atleast we can see each other. she gets mad at me and tells me that im at work all the time anyways. this really hurt my feelings because i was trying so hard to help my family out. her knowing i was going to loose one of my jobs.


another one was during christmas. i told her i did not have mouch money left. she wanted an ipod .i told her i did not have enough. she made me feel bad agian. i told her i couldnt afford it and i told her that if she loves me she will just let it go. she started crying and appoliging i felt bad and i got it.worked extra hours so i can afford it.


then there was one of her bdays.where i spend over 300 dollars on her decorated her room. she said she loves the stuff then told me she has always wanted a psp. she told me she got birthday money but does not have enough. i tell her that the most i can put in was thirty dollars. to be honest this made me feel bad because i tried so hard to make her happy.well i told her that i can help her to get the rest of the money for the psp but no game. her mom heard and got real mad . all i heard her say is he cant even get you a game



then on her second bday i got get a ds. i wanted to get her a regular one . during this time i went to go visit her . we went together to walmart. and i told her i wanted to get her a ds since i had one and we can play from all the way over here. anyways i ask her which color she wants. looks at the one with the camera and says she wanted thatr one. i told her that if i get her that one we wont be able to go out. she tells me well we can stay home.im fine with staying home but she always talked about going out and i had my heart set in that. if i knew that she did not have fun going out i wouldnt of done felt bad about it



before the computer compltly broke i had a mini. she said she wanted to trade to try out the mini. i told her no. when she told me this i got real mad because she wanted to trade a bad computer for a good computer.she never asked to trade it till hers started breaking.


then there is the zune.. the zune she had was broken. she asked if i wanted it she thought the warranty expired. i told her to check the warranty on it and the day i told her that was the last day she had the chance to get it fixed. after getting it fixed she did not ask if i wanted it. i got mad over this. told her how she would give me the zune if it was broken and not when its working fine.after that she actualy offerd it to me but i felt like she did it because i made her fel bad.


another thing that hurt my feelings was when we whent out with her mom to this home decorating store. her mom told her to choose some things and she did. well during this time i was almost out of money. her mom paid for the stuff. when we whent back to the car her mom started complaining about how she had to pay for some one else then herself. she didnt pay for me but it made me feel bad because i felt like i was expected t pay for it. i felt bad. at the end i spend the money on some shoes.


the thing about my ex is that she wasnt like this when i met her. during the time i met her she was living with her dad. she was the sweetest girl in the world. this lasted for about a year. never asked for anything. she was actualy the kind to offer. the year after she moved in with her mom she started to change. she wasnt as sweet as she was before. i got mad at her one day and told her that it was pathetic how she only gos out if it cost money. this was the first time i ever called her a name.there was times that i would get angry at her but it was when i was stressed out.i always tried been there for her. she wanted to spend time with her mom so i bought her a cable so she can plug the computer on the tv. she need undies i bought her undies. she needed a friend to be there for her when every one else was treating her bad. i was there for her to. she needed emotional support i was there for her. i never turned my back on her no matter what happened.

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