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They really are not worth it

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For anyone who is struggling with the idea of someone who isn't with you now or isn't giving in to your chase, they really are not worth it.


I think back to years ago when I had my first real relationship that ended up lasting 7 years. In that time, the longest we broke up was for about 5 days. It wasn't months or any of this other painful garbage. Seriously, if someone wants to be with you, they will be. They won't play all of these crazy games or date other people, etc. etc.


Life is short. Don't waste it on someone who is trying to make it hard for you.

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This is very true, but the heart wants what it wants. It holds onto the person longer than it should in many cases. I guess a person with a strong sense of self esteem can easily think this way but most people are not in this position at the point of the breakup. They have been worn down and usually are not themselves at this point.


It would be great if we all could think like this and actually feel it at the point of the breakup but most can not.

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what if they are with you but distance is still there,she tells me she loves me but i feel bit scared that there is something stoping her...i get speratic

emotional connections and signs of affection..is it bad that i feel i need to see change faster..although it has come full circle and does feel better,

im still really thankful that i got u guys here to remind me..

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