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How Important is Virginity?

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How important is virginity when one picks a romantic partner? Some people really value it (and demand thier partner be a virgin) while others don't really care. Do guys value virginity (in a girl) more than girls do (in a guy)????? Is it really important?? For me, I refuse to marry any girl who is not a virgin (I am a virgin)...cux sex is the most intimate thing..also its not fair if one partner is more experience than the other, and the non-experienced one is left wondering what to do????? Anyway, how important is virginity in a potential romantic parter?? Would you reject someone because they are not a virgin?

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being a virgin is fairly important i would be with a girl who isnt but its a huge turn on the thought that you would be her first and that she has enough self respect not to be doing stuff with everybody who looks at her so yes being a virgin is important but it doesnt truly affect a decision

-stitches aka The Antihero

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I also emphasize it a lot. Not for religious reasons, but I'm too traditional... I always thought how i would fit perfectly in the olden days where they would value many important beliefs, (ie. virginity)


Nowadays, living in a city makes many people feel as though being a virgin is something to be ashamed of, especially in western countries. Lets not talk about media, today i was in a changing room of a swimming pool. Some kid, around 16 years old... were talking to their friends about how he know some girl lost her virginity at 13 years old. Following what he've said, he also mentioned "everyone does it".


Those words makes me wanna vomit. Even though he's just a part of this culture. But if there were actually accurate statistics, i would wonder how many males/females didn't lose their virginity.


(erm btw, virginity: no dry sex, no touching in private parts no nothing)


This is NOT virginity: DID EVERYTHING BUT INTERCOURSE... lol, people nowadays likes to make themselves feel pure


Adding to that, I have 10 male friends whom i hang arounnd with... 7/10 is still virgin and we're all 21. Think about what the culture is making you believe.


At times, i would see posts where girls would actually emphasize how they're having sex with their boyfriend even though the post itself is irrelavant to that piece of information. Don't you guys think there is something terribily wrong with that picture?

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I also emphasize it a lot. Not for religious reasons, but I'm too traditional... I always thought how i would fit perfectly in the olden days where they would value many important beliefs, (ie. virginity)


LoL I would like to meet more ppl like you male or female, a lot of my friends seem to always get there brains cought in there zipper I herd one person on these very forums thinking that being a virgin was bad because most of her friends lost there verginity at the age of 11 or so. That just doesnt seem right. I would fit in well in 17th century america.

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LOL, I know what you mean re: everything but intercourse.. Have a great friend who is a Christian... love him to death, but the way he is so principled about not having intercourse with his new gf is a bit funny. With everything else they are doing, abstaining from intercourse becomes more of a practical issue than anything to do with maintaining moral purity or being a "good Christian".


(erm btw, virginity: no dry sex, no touching in private parts no nothing)


This is NOT virginity: DID EVERYTHING BUT INTERCOURSE... lol, people nowadays likes to make themselves feel pure


Adding to that, I have 10 male friends whom i hang arounnd with... 7/10 is still virgin and we're all 21. Think about what the culture is making you believe.


At times, i would see posts where girls would actually emphasize how they're having sex with their boyfriend even though the post itself is irrelavant to that piece of information. Don't you guys think there is something terribily wrong with that picture?

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I think that when you're younger it's important to you that your partner is a virgin, but as you get older the chances of that happening are slimer and slimer. It's not at all important to me that my partner is a virgin.


I didn't lose my virginity until i was 22, and that was when i was with someone I thought i was going to spend the rest of my life with - he was a virgin too. That relationship didn't work out, but I wouldn't like to think a potential future partner would hold it against me.

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i believe in abstinence and would prefer that my partner be a virgin too. my friends think i'm insane for having these morals (i've never kissed anyone before)...everyone thinks i'm the way i am because my mum is so overprotective and nosy but it's not. i've made the decision not to do drugs, smoke, or drink and hold out on sex until i was married, not because my mum told me not to but because i've seen what each of these has done to other people. i have a life ahead of me, i don't want to ruin it.

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I think people need to leave what happens in the bedroom (or the backseat of the car, or the sofa, wherever) right there, and not make it public knowledge, at least not when in the present relation, after the fact, well, do what you find best.


For me, I lost my virginity when I was 16 to someone I was in love with. Relationship ended a few months later, but I have no regrets. Knowing what I know now, I'd still have done everything the same I did. I am currently involved with a virgin, and she knows I am not. We have (oh no, here it comes) done everything but intercourse. We're happy where we are, and by our definition, this is a virgin relationship we have.


Society tends to put more pressure on the male to lose his virginity while at the same time managing to tell girls to stay virgins but act and dress as if they belonged on the corner of Bank and McLeod. Yes, society is screwed up, so everyone has to go about their business and do whatever he/she/they feel is right, regardless of everyone else's criticisms.

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i think if you really love a person, virginity wouldnt matter that much, virgin or not, there are other things that are more important. personality and character of that person. and the love you have for each other.



(im a still virgin though.. (not that it matters.. irrelevant hehe)


if he or she is a virgin, guess its just a bonus.

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I agree with St*r. There are so many more important things than that. There's no way I wouldnt be with someone that is everything I want but has had sex. People make mistakes sometimes. And just so you know this isnt based on nothing. My GF, who I love more than life itself, wasnt a virgin. That fact never crossed my mind when I decided to be with her.

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Honestly, it just sounds really silly to me for a person to reject a person because they've had sex before. I view it as a part of a person's past and I wouldn't quickly judge someone by their virginity or not. I think it's perfectly fine for couples to be intimate with each other, just as long as they're in a committed relationship, they truly love each other, and there are no doubts about it... I wouldn't mind.


However, I don't really like the idea of casual sex or one-night stands. I wouldn't prefer to date someone who usually sleeps around, I don't know.. but it's a personal turn-off for me. There's a number of people out there who would accept to have sex with nearly anyone. It's just easier to respect someone that has their actions thought out before doing them and I just feel icky when people have sex, yet barely know anything about each other and haven't spent enough time making an effort to.

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Like some have all ready stated, I wouldn't mind if my future beau had a sexual past. Although I'm still a virgin, I wouldn't judge a future relationship based on whether he was still one or not. I would love that person fully for whom they were, and that would mean embracing such faults as a possible promiscuous past. A person's ability to remain faithful and loving is much more important for me than an issue of past sexual history.

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I think you guys in the 2nd half of the post have a point, but i think you're going against what we're trying to advocate here. To me, this is a post that are posted for virgins. I'm sure the poster is not trying to hold your history against you guys... But more so for virgins to be aware of the real purpose behind losing virginity. He might be pushing it a little bit hard to say he refuses to marry etc, but i'm sure he's trying to create a consequence.


Like i've said before, i do expect my other half to also be virgin. Maybe like you guys said, I will accept my other half as who she is, but i'll be really really sad to know that truth... and who knows, 10 years into the marriage... In a heated argument, i might bring it back up. It does leave a scar in a marriage. I've once heard that female will accept the fact that her husband is not a virgin, but male doesn't. We say we will accept you, but it's always in the back of our head.

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I dont believe in the whole "No sex before marriage" thing even though its been preached to me forever! I went to a catholic highschool for 2 years, and thats like ALL it preached! lol!


I fondly believe that if you are in a great LOVING relationship and you really feel you are ready than go for it. Its your own decision and only you are going to regret it.

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