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  1. I have to say my friends. It might sound cheesy, but even simple things as a good laugh from them would brighten my day instantly.
  2. Honestly, it just sounds really silly to me for a person to reject a person because they've had sex before. I view it as a part of a person's past and I wouldn't quickly judge someone by their virginity or not. I think it's perfectly fine for couples to be intimate with each other, just as long as they're in a committed relationship, they truly love each other, and there are no doubts about it... I wouldn't mind. However, I don't really like the idea of casual sex or one-night stands. I wouldn't prefer to date someone who usually sleeps around, I don't know.. but it's a personal turn-off for me. There's a number of people out there who would accept to have sex with nearly anyone. It's just easier to respect someone that has their actions thought out before doing them and I just feel icky when people have sex, yet barely know anything about each other and haven't spent enough time making an effort to.
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