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remembering the good and forgetting the bad

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I remember when people use to tell me the more time that goes by you will only remember the goods times and the negatives will fade...


Well they couldnt be more right!


even though I was the dumpee I can only remember the goods times we shared together, all the negative emotions have basically vanished and I was wondering do dumpers feel the same way too?


I am not interested in reconcilation, more wondering if dumpers look back at the fond memories?

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The problem is I cant remember the bad things about her so it SO hard to take her off that pedestal you know?


I so know dude.

I can't remember the bad things about her either.

Although I do remember that there were bad things, things I hated during our relationship.

Try this one...

She quit on you, she quit on your relationship.

She chose a time to leave that was best for her and then left you.


Or this....

All those "forever"s and "Ill always love you"s were never true.


Try to remember the times you fought, how many times maybe you gave in just to make peace.

All those times she couldve just conceded to smooth things out.


Any of these helpin?


Im there with you bud.

She's like an untouchable angel to me sometimes.

Only after we broke up tho.... strange that hey?

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