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I think "moving on" means that you can live your life without constantly comparing your ex to every potential new partner, and also it occurs when you are capable of separating your emotions from the reality of the situation. In other words, when you can go day to day for an extended period of time without feeling sad and worthless because they're not in your life anymore, and when you can feel confident that you do not need anyone in order to be happy and content with yourself.


When you no longer depend on anyone else to make you happy, you have moved on. Some people never fully heal before they jump into another relationship. This causes problems because in order to move forward you have to accept and own the past, and deal with it before you can progress and learn from it. If you keep carrying the same problems into all of your relationships, you'll find that you will never be happy. That's why No Contact (NC) is so important after a breakup. So you can heal without allowing your ex to keep re-opening your wounds. Then when you are strong enough to confront them or answer their calls, you will be in a better position to handle whatever they throw your way. You'll be emotionally stronger for "training" yourself to live without them.


I wouldn't worry about never getting over someone. I think most people do, but I guess it's possible that some people never do, but it's only because they choose to wallow in their sorrow instead of moving on. None of us think we'll ever get over our partners, initially. Then later on, after reality sinks in and you get tired of feeling sad, you start to realize that you're wasting time and that you could spend that time in more productive ways. But the grieving process is extremely important because if you don't get out all the crying and sadness, it will bottle up and cause physical problems later.


Hope this helps some, it's just my opinion of course.

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