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Every one look at this. This can help you

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This is for all you poor poor people out there who have just broken up with the "love of your life".


I really feel for you because i have recently been through the same. Here are some tips i used to get over it.


* Find out why you and your partner have broken up. Maybe you have been having too many arguments or some other reasons. When you find out what has caused the break up you can work on this weakness for your next relationship.


* After you have found out what caused the relationship break up, stop all contact. (unluckily for me i lived in the same street as my ex so i saw her a lot). If you see them while out clubbing, blank them. This will hurt yes, but it will make your ex think about things. They will thrive on the attention you give them if you constantly beg them back. This also pushes them further away. So even though it hurts bite your tongue and see it through.


* If they contact you play things hard. What do i mean?....If they ask if they can have their things back or ask to speak to you say yeah can we make it some other time as i am going out now...You have then turned the situation in your favour, you are now dictating when its possible for your ex to either speak or come and collect their belongings. This will also play on their mind because you have said you are going out, they will see you moving on with your life and will not like it.


* Get your self a nice new hobby, weather its going out with friends more, playing football, running, or getting into shape. do more things with friends, this will take your mind off things. When ever you feel down do something you enjoy.


* Start to date again, this will make you see what you are missing. Its fun and you could meet some one you can become great friends with or even have a relationship with.


* I dont recommend you informing your ex that you are going on a date of if you see your ex out while you are on a date dont rub it in. The reason for this is you woulding like it if they did it to you. If you see your ex out while on a date just pretend you have not noticed them, dont look over just pure ignore the fact that they are there, this will hurt them alot. if you rub it in that your on a date your ex will think you imature and you will regret it in the long run.


* Also remember before you met your ex you were happy, so why cant you be happy again. The reason why you are sad is because you have become so much a part of your ex's life its a shock to your system. do everything that you used to do, you can be happy again.


*Just remember, everything happens for a reason. The reason your ex broke up with you is because you's were not suited. There is "a lot of fish in the sea"and there will be another person out there who makes you very happy and love you more than your ex did. The people you meet that dont work out can be put down as experience for the person you are going to spend the rest of your life with.


* I used to say i will never love any one as much as i loved her or i wont ever love again.... trust me you can and you will im living proof of it


Following these tips will enhance the chance of getting your ex back but help you definitely move on.....


*** Please Take A Minute To Think About This****Why would you want to get back with your ex. They have split up with you and hurt you deeply thats why you are looking at this site. The chances are, you will split up again if you get back together. Trust me is it worth it. They obviously dont care about your feelings or they wouldnt have put you through this pain.



My story


My mother and father went on holiday last october. I was left to look after the house and my girlf stayed over most of that time. Our annaversary was coming up and i had a nice night planned. It was the thursday night when it all went wrong. My girlfriend said to me "you better set the alarm for 8am i dont want to sleep in" i replied saying "sorry i dont have the alarm my brother has got it at his house". She then started shouting at me and said its over. She walked out of the house and said things were not working. I was totally shocked because there was nothing wrong with the relationship which was coming up 2 years. The next day i rang her asking her why its come to this. She said its not you and i am sorry but i dont want to be in a relationship no more. She said i dont want you speaking to me again. Its now 10 months on and i am with a beautiful girl who loves me loads. Things are so much better i am actually glad my ex broke up with me. I dont even want to know my ex now because of what she put me through. It was so very hard to cope but i did what i said above and got through it.


My ex has not had another bf since the break up and has told all of my friends that i did nothing wrong. She just didnt want to be in a relationship.


Remember your mates are always there for you so dont filter them out when you are in a relationship.



good luck and i hope things workout for you

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thank you, i am glad i can offer some information which can make YOU happy.


I class a break up as one of the hardest things in life but i am living proof that happiness can be found again.


some thing which i failed to mention:


* You might feel like you cant live without your ex. this is normal, but no one needs any one to get through life....you only need your self, good friends and loving family) if you have all of these people around you can get through a break up.


please leave your thoughts on this post as they might help other people.



good luck every one.

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