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hurt by silence

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I feel really pathetic for writing this, only because i feel my problem is probably very insignificant to anyone who listens but here it goes...



For the last month i have been talking to this guy i met on the net. We really have alot in common and really seemed to like eachother. Anyways, last night i told him i would call him on the phone after i got off the computer. I called him and we talked for about 3 mins when he suddenly remembered he had to go help someone with thier homework (he's in college). He told me to call him around 10:30 pm, but i fell asleep. I came back on the computer today and tried to talked to him on msn, but he completely ignored me and left. He has never done this before and it's really not like him. I'm extremely upset and i don't know why he's ignoring me. I wrote a poem because i'm so upset, i cut my finger by accident and blood got all over it, it hurt but i was in too much emotional pain to even care..this silence is killing me. Please someone help

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