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Am I a cheating bastard??


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Ok. I have been married for almost 20 years. I'm 43, my wife is 40. I have a MUCH higher sex drive than she does. We probably have sex about an average number of times...1-2 times a week, rarely 3. She likes it fine. I need much more. After maybe a half hour or so and that's it. Rarely 45 minutes, very rarely any more. She doesn't want more. ever. She orgasms. She gives me oral. She doesn't want oral...She is overweight, but not extremely so. I find that I look at porno alot. I have gone to strip clubs in the past. But I find that I want more intensity and passion....I have been unfaithful a few times (3?) over the years. One time events. But one in particular I think of often. She was thin, lithe and sexy. She answered a "sensual massage" ad I posted. We met. She was on the rebound. I massaged her nude. I touched her everywhere. She touched me. Like Bill, we "did not have sexual intercourse". But she was so uninhibited. I wonder what it would be like to be with someone as sexually ans sensually charged and "into it" as she was. I am not sexually fulfilled.

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Say Mark: There is only one thing worse than a woman who doesn't like sex much, and that is a woman who is really really into it. My thinking on that is she will soon get bored with you and she herself, like you now, will be looking for more action from other partners.



Dude, be lucky that you have a wife who gives you sex like twice a week. I get it like once every few months if i'm lucky.


Oh...you said your wife is a little overweight...Why don't you guys join a gym or get into some sports together.


Also, you said you watch Porno a lot.....Do you watch that with your wife? Why not try that?


In fact, i've tried it recently with my wife...she actually likes it.....But not the real nasty stuff...more the sensual love making ones.....


Anyways...I am in almost the same situation as you are..so I know what its like to not be getting much sex. I'm seeing a woman now...cheating...and even though I enjoy the sex, I know I am wrong, and I only wish I have the power to end it...maybe one day I can.....Good luck to you!

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Mark why do you ask if you are a cheater? I think you know the answer to that question. I wonder if any of you have considered how your wives would feel if they found out about you having cheated. ( I hope you have pre-nups)


Mark maybe you should try new things with your wife. Have you ever offered to give her a massage? Tried role playing? Costumes? Sex toys? Shared or discussed fantasies during sex? There is so much you can do together. It's a shame that you have to go outside your marriage for passion. Use your imagination and engage her in something new. You may discover things about her you couldn't even imagine.

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well because no one else straight out answered yes you are a cheater, but you can fix that. a few suggestions,


try marriage counceling. from what ive seen it puts the spark back into your sex life.


try the massage with your wife(not my suggestion just agreeing)


tell her that you feel you arent "getting enough" to satisfy you


go with the flow try different things dont stick to the same routine that can never be stressed enough even sex gets boring if its always the same


you say your wife is slightly over wieght, that doesnt matter at all maybe if you get her feeling better about herself she'll be open to more sex


here to help,

-sTiTcHeS aka The Antihero

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If you care for your wife and she's a decent person, then don't cheat on her (unless you have real issues with sex, damaging her won't do any good).


Try counseling, try seducing a lot -- in my opinion at your age you are getting more than most people, so if you want more, I think you need to work it.


If you are sure you already are, then talk directly to her about it.

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Yes, I've heard that counselling does miracles and also they sell videos to desinhibit people sexually. Apparently they are very good.


You should not cheat, because if your wife decides to leave you then you may regret it forever, as many divorced people that I know. Divorce is also very detrimental to people financially, and your children will be the big losers just because you wanted more sex.


You two must find a solution together.

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  • 1 month later...

Yeah Mark and Mike, I'm sure you guys are good guys, so take no offense when I say...grow up.


(And I mean this with respect...I'm sure in every other situation you guys face, you're mature men...in the cheating aspect though)


But honestly, you are grown men and you have the power to admit what you are and change it. Mike, you can stop what you're doing right now and you know it. Mark, you know you've been cheating.


You are both grown men and there is only one way both of your problems will change, and that's if you effect change. Take a stand and change your ways.

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