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Popular careers in 5 years?

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What career fields do you think are going to be limited in about five, ten years? And which fields do you think will have a need for employees?


I think there will be a need for teachers, since the student body population is increasing, and since many are retiring. Anyone agree? I was thinking about giving teaching a shot, but it IS a huge responsibility, and I don't know if it's worth it for that kind of pay. Still, I'd rather do something that makes me happy rather than something I can't stand...


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hi, just wanted to put my 2 cents in. I think that in 5 yrs. time they're will still be a demand for dental assistants/technicians, they are in high demand these days and i really don't think that's going to change. Also, i think that the demand for estheticians will be high. And a business that they're will always be clients for is a funeral home!! People will always die!! I heard that becoming an embalmer is always a good career choice but you have to be okay around dead bodies seeing that they are your client base!! It's a very technical course but apparently the $$$ is amazing!! Oh, and nurses are always needed too.


Good luck.

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I think that demands in the medical field will always be there. But no matter what, do things from your heart. I run into the some students in the health field, who do it for all of the wrong reasons. They either do it for the money or 'image'. It's really sad actually. They take away the true meaning of giving medical care/attention.


I wish there were more people who did things from their heart. Some of my classes are flooded with pretentious students who break each other's lab slides, just to mess up the other person's project in order to get the higher grades. It's based on a point system, in which people try to get the highest grade to get onto a waiting list to get into certain programs. They're pretty cut throat. I think that people like them, don't make good examples of those who represent health care field. But unfortunately, people working in the HR department can't always screen onto these types of selfish employees, which is really a disservice to our society, I think.


So, follow your heart. I'm sure that you will make a successful teacher. After all, teachers make one of the biggest impacts on student's lives. They can either make or break a student's passion for different areas of study. But as long as you're passionate, that should be enough to keep students interested, and motivate them to learn. We need more passionate and driven workers who believe in what they do. Good luck to you in your career.

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I think their will be a high demand for private security due to the terrorism thats increasing around the world, also I think their will be a high demand for nurses due to the ever increasing U.S. population, also I believe their will be a high demand for private investigators...


Las Vegas is expected to be the city with the largest amount of job growth in the next five years, I've read around 40% which isn't suprising when you consider that its the fastest growing metropolis in the U.S.

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