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Dilemma. Any help appreciated.


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My ex split with me just over 6 months ago, she is 21 and I'm 27. We have been in LC/ full contact the whole time. She would mostly call, and she always got really upset if she thought I had been on a date or didn't answer her calls in this time.


I met a girl a couple of months after the split, we started hanging out (sleeping together), but I knew she was dating others as was I. As I thought it was done with my ex, I agreed to a 4 day international trip with the new girl (who I knew was still dating others, and our relationship was just fun).


The last 3 weeks or so the new girl has developed feelings for me and I slightly have for her, even though I really don't think we are a good match (she is from a really wealthy family, money and a prestigious job seems to mean so much to them. I am doing okay for myself but not a Lawyer/Doctor like the rest of the family).. In this time, my ex has started calling a lot and wanting to hang out more.


Last weekend my ex wanted to meet up for lunch to talk, I let her know that I had been hanging out with new girl and when she asked if I had feelings for her I couldn't respond. She burst in tears and told me she thought we would get back together and that she had been telling all of her friends that she wanted to get back with me and she can't believe that I have been seeing somebody.


My international trip with the new girl is only 3 weeks away and it's during my birthday. Will telling my ex about the trip destroy any chance of reconciliation?

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This really is a dilemma. The only advice I can offer is figure out what you want first.


Why did you two break up? Its been 6 months and you have been in contact with your ex, during these 6 months has she ever hinted at getting back together? Her getting upset if you were on dates is just plain stupid. She dumped you. Does she expect you to sit around and be depressed and waiting for her? Or expect you to wait by your phone to answer her calls? Not to mention she couldn't believe you were seeing someone else 6 months later after she dumped you.


As for the new girl, it sounds like you seem pretty happy spending time with her and enjoying where the relationship is going. Only you can decide if your comfortable not being the perfect fit in their family should things get more serious.

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I think that you should be upfront about your feeling for the other girl to your ex. You cant lie to her,especially if you think there could be a posible reconciliation. Also, you have to analyze what you feel for the other girl, do you really like her or just attracted to her. Analyze if the reason for why you broke up , wont come up, if you happen to get back together.

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Your not exactly the bad person, if she finished it with you then she should of seen it coming. You can't be sitting waiting for your ex to come back all your life. Meet up and talk with her see if you feel the same - if not go on this trip. Could turn out in ten years time still with this girl, or back with your ex. Don't want it to spiteful but if this girl likes you and you like her then go on this trip. Don't let an old flame ruin things. Karma is one of the best thing in life and I love it when I see it.

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