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does anyone ever wonder....

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Yes I wonder that for sure so now and then, and when I think of it, it hurts!


is he making her happier then we could?


Probably. And that hurts, cause I felt like a rookie in my first ever relationship, she was my first serious girlfriend. Everything was new for me, I know alot better now, but it's to late (grrr)



will they get married/have kids?


I don't know...I have double thoughts with this, it's better not to mention them, lol!

will it last a long/short time?


I don't know either.... Do I hope it? ... hmmm, no comment!

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does anyone ever wonder about the next relationship there ex is in or will be in?


Sort of, at least if I consider her 'next' relationship could be with me. Again.


Other than that...


is he/she making them happier then we could?


Initially, maybe. That's how people usually act when that have a shiny new object to play with. Revisit that question a few years from now.


will they get married/have kids?


Highly unlikely, and not something that serves me any purpose to think about anyway.


will it last a long/short time?


Who knows? I have an ex from my early days that's been married over 25 years to her next guy after me. More power to 'em!

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I think about all this stuff all the time. It's mostly what has prevented me from moving on.


does anyone ever wonder about the next relationship there ex is in or will be in?

Yes, I hope that he will soon find someone so that I can swallow it with lime and salt and then let it go. What kills me is the anticipation of waiting for this to happen. Sometimes it hurts when they move on to someone right away but if you look at it from my outlook, it's actually better because that way you aren't left wondering for a long period of time. It would be easier to see it as, "They've moved on now, I should too".


is he/she making them happier then we could?

No way in hell that'll ever happen. What we had was special for both of us. It'll always be no matter who comes along. Yeah, she can make him laugh, forget somewhat, distract him, * * * * him real good, but she will never make him as happy as I did. It just doesn't work that way.


will they get married/have kids?

I hope they do. They would make a great ordinary couple that would last a lifetime. However, I predict it will be somewhat boring and predictable. Companions not lovers.


will it last a long/short time?

I hope it lasts forever. They're those kind of people.


is she pleasing him sexually as well as we could?

Not a chance.


I also wonder what mine will be like, but I'm not pushing it. I'm happy single. No responsibilities.

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