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Broke up with best friend and boyfriend of over 4.5 years+


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I have deleted him on Facebook, a couple of days ago. I haven't blocked any of his family yet because they rarely post anything and I didn't think they would be a threat. Obviously I know now. It's just crazy how many people you realise that you know only through the ex.

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Dream Seller, the first book I read was reconciliation. The world would be a much better place if everyone reads his books. I have had anger issues, and not dealt with my suffering right since I was a small child. I realize a lot of it comes from past generations and how I was raised. I would read any of his books. As I am not a buddhist, well I guess I could be since I'm practicing, he also references the bible in some of his books. I was raised Christian and well obviously the church would have an issue with this. Martin Luther King Jr, nominted him for a nobel peace prize. He was a Christian.


The problem with western psychology is that it only teaches about helping your "self". It does not teach about interbeing etc etc. That's why there can only be a certain amount of healing taking place and at a slower rate. In other words going to see a shrink here in the states.


It's not about slowing down necessarily. It's about living in the moment, being mindful. Being able to control your emotions and thoughts and looking deeply. When we can do this, we can concentrate. When we concentrate we can gain insight, and understanding. From all of that we gather compassion which makes the world a better place.


In other words, I was just recently a rebound. My ex caused me to suffer greatly with her actions. I know that from looking deeply that it's not really her fault. She was raised a certain way, which I know about. I understand that she too suffered so much as a child and did what she did for a lot deeper reason than running back to her ex to make herself happy. I have compassion for her and forgiveness. I hope you read the book multiple times. Practice mindful meditation whenever you can. You'll find that you may already do it somewhat without even knowing you do it.


In case of my ex, I broke up with her when she told me she might have feelings for him. Until she changes for the better, she's going to be the same person. I had to let her go, because our relationship would not have worked. It sucks, but I will never let a woman control me and treat me the way she did again. I'm a good man, and I'm learning to be stronger etc as one. I really can't thank her enough for doing what she did. It's been a month, and I'm a quick learner. People are already noticing my behavior and demeanor have changed. Especially women.

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