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Knowledge Base: First Date - What to do, What not to do


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Hi everyone

We think about trying to start eNotAlone Knowledge Base integrated into forums and articles. It is supposed to become ongoing, dynamic list of What to do and What not to do on specific subjects based on the common experience and views.


We can do this in two stages for every topic:

1. Establish list of To do, Not to do list

2. Vote for the list all of us created together.

The result will represent community's view on a given subject.


To start with please post your list of

1. What to do on a first date.

2. What not to do on a first date.


This is not supposed to be a discussion but a list of members To do an Not to do list.

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Here are my lists, from a guys perspective...


What to do:

- Be polite.

- Walk to their door when you pick them up.

- Walk them to their door when you take them home.

- A polite kiss on the cheek at the end of the date should be fine.

- Let them know that you enjoyed it.

- Complement her appearance...but make it original!

- Ask them questions!

- You pay for whatever it is you are doing.

- Be courtious: open doors for your date, etc.

- Be confident.

- Call within a few days of the date.


What not to do:

- Dont talk about your ex.

- Dont get drunk.

- Dont overdo the compliments.

- Dont show up late.

- Dont drone on about things. Especially if the topic is you.

- Dont answer calls, even if they are important.

- Dont flirt with other women.

- Dont try to be someone you're not.

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My list of things to do on a first date if you're a guy are:

- Smile

- Be polite

- Bring a rose

- Open doors, pull out chairs, etc.

- Compliment her (Don't overdo it)

- Pay for the date

- Be a good listener

- Walk her to her door

- Thank them for a great night

- A kiss on the hand or cheek should suffice for the end of the night

- Most of all, pay attention to her!!!


Do not do any of the following:

- Discuss you outside of what she asks

- Don't drink

- Don't order spaghetti (Trust me on this one)

- Don't let your eye wander, you're with her, not the woman at the bar

- Don't leave your phone on

- Don't try and makeout with her at the end of the night


That's my shortlist

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To Do:

#1. Be yourself.

2. Enjoy your company.

3. Be polite.

4. Keep discussions light-hearted.


NOT to Do:

1. DO NOT ask your date about her sexual fantasies on either the 1st or 2nd date.

2. Do not put other people down in front of your date. (I.E. waiters/waitresses).

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The following are based on true experiences!


Not to do:

1) chew on your extra long fingernail

2) yawn

3) wear socks with holes in them

4) ask me if I want a foot massage

5) ask me for money

6) ask me for a ride home

7) talk about an ex/ask about my past relationships

8) stare at my chest

9) drink too much

10) take a phone call


My ideals for a guy "to do"

1) be polite - open doors, pull out chairs, order for me

2) pay

3) walk me to my car or my door

4) ask if he can call again

5) ask questions about me

6) order wine (and know what he's doing)

7) call within two days if it was a good time for both of us

8) not try to kiss me

9) dress nicely (e.g. iron, make it look like he put some thought into it.)

10) wear/own nice shoes a nice belt and a nice watch. Those are things guys underestimate that girls pay attention to.

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