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weird feeling about swearing

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hey, this might be a stupid situation but anyway..


i dont understand why i feel the way i do whenever my girlfriend says anything reeally explicit. like really bad porno-like words. like horny, or.. well i cant say here. but really explicit words. im not talking about the f word or anything just really stupid names for a guys penis and all of that. jokenly of course.


i just feel really uncomfortable whenever she says a word like that. shes not immature, but i remember once she said the c**k word and i just felt really bothered. like i dont want her to say things like that.

but with my ex-girlfriend, a long time ago, i didnt feel that way at all whenever she cursed like a drunken sailor. even saying those explicit words or anything.


is this strange? has anybody ever felt like that??

what should i do?



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I understand you completely, I had a lot of issues regarding the 'purity' of my girlfriend, For quite a while I could only see her as 'pretty' and 'adorable' and the very rare occurrences of swearing bothered me a little, it seems to have faded as my feelings for her have grown even more. I really couldn't think about a sexual relationship with her, it just felt so wrong, but as we got closer and closer we got more comfortable with each other and the desires to progress to that level arrived.


Basically I'm just saying, perhaps you see her as something 'untainted' and when she uses language like that it disturbs your image of her, possibly because you want to protect and preserve it.


Hope this helps.

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yeeah i definitely understand what you're saying


wow, im so relieved someone else feels like that too. i dont understand why that happens though. i am always trying to protect this image i have of her. and its definitely the same thing on a sexual level. i cant picture me doing sexual things to her, like explicit sexual. not just casual sex. doing other things to her and it just really really bothered me. it sank my stomach in and i had no idea why.


i understand and it helped, thank you

perhaps all of it will fade and it wont ever bother me again

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My girlfriend/ex-girlfriend (we are trying to work through something so I'm not sure lol) never swore. And then one day she got mad at her parents and after we got in her car she flicked them off (they didn't see though) and said the f word about 4 times. I didn't like it all, but I realized she must have been really upset and it made me feel bad. I'd have a problem if she swore all the time because I see her as being classy. And yea if she said the kind of stuff you were saying I'd be uncomfortable too. I don't think I've ever sworn around her either, even though I do swear, it's out of respect for her that I don't when I'm with her because she probably doesn't like it. So maybe you should tell her how you don't like it when you say stuff like that. I'm sure if you told her, she would stop, but you have to make sure you don't swear a lot around her either lol.

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