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Did anyone's EX who was great turned into the bad example of ex?

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Hello All>


I had 10 months NC with my ex which he broke a month ago as he heard of my family crisis. I thanked him politely, but didn't carry on talking. Then felt bad about being cold so I texted him on his birthday.


2 days later he replied, suggests he come around for a quick drink. This was 11.30pm. I was seriously drunk as was out partying with my best friend whose BD is the same as my ex's, and I said yeah, one drink.


He came around, we had one drink, and I said it's time for you to go, and he started kissing me.


I said no, but basically he stayed that night and the next day. We had breakfast together and took a stroll in the park.


When he was leaving I wanted to clarify the factuality of event, so asked,

"Will I see you again?"

his answer was,

"Yeah, if you want to?"


He is a wonderful guy, and was the nicest BF I've ever had. He was caring and respecting, and he told me over and over that I do not deserve to be treated badly and all my other exes are sc*m. We broke up because he didn't see any future in us, and I was kind of relieved to see him go because he can be very fussy about small things. Still I loved him very much and it was very hard for me to be OK about BU.


I slept with him that night because I was drunk, and the way we were talking momentarily made me forgot we were broken up. I don't regret it and it was my doing as well as his, but...


I just can't understand why he came around in the first place, or even suggested that he'd do. He is so not the type to pull booty calls or tapping exes for quickies. And he knows, more than anyone, how I was hurt by other guys who used me, and that I suffer from self esteem issues. He, I'd say, is the last person who'd come around for a quick fix.


Well, my question is not why he did this or what he was doing (I'll find that out soon enough, am confident), but


Q; Did anyone have any ex who was decent and super nice, but turned into "just like the others" after BU?


Cheerio x


PS. this is not about my ex, but in case you wonder I do not wish to be his friend, and I do not want him back, unless something drastically changes.

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To answer the question, yes. But my ex showed me this very early and I ignored it. I think a lot of us do. Most people tell you exactly how they are very early on but we get caught up in the emotions, infatuation, whatever, and ignore the flags. I hate to sound harsh but your ex has shown he is exactly the type to pull a booty call. Actions speak louder than words. He came over late at night to have sex with you. That simple. Given the opportunity I'm sure he'd do it again and again. Believe me, he didn't go from 'nice' guy to douche-bag booty caller overnight, that was always him.

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My ex sure did transform after she left me, it was almost unbelievable. I remember at one point I was proud to be with her and thankful that I found such an amazing woman that would take care of me.. Now shes extremely volatile and cruel, I pray I never have to deal with that woman ever again.

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I've had this happen to me.


You'd be surprised...I'm starting to wonder if ANY guy can transform into a douchebag booty caller.


Jonas is right though, had I been paying attention and not so loved up I had turned into some kind of moron, I would have seen that he was always a douchebag booty caller!

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Maybe they always have been evil and we didn't see that...


Still, not putting my ex on a pedestal, he really wasn't the type. He had many flaws and he can be a real jerk (like refusing to use any protection and expected me to go take pills) this is not something he ever did or likely to do. I was surprised and disappointed at the same time. (Or maybe he wants to come back to me, it is possible considering how he is. Not hoping or expecting.)


From the model boyfriend to booty-caller, really? So odd...

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