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The guy i am seeing of about 5 months or so keeps referring to me as my "girl" when talking to others and i have never really been introduced as girlfriend. I know we are exclusevily dating, however i am not sure what he means by my girl, does he mean girlfriend? Can someone help me out please. ( Please dont tell me i should ask him because that makes it akward)

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I have dated a guy for 3 months, and he never mentioned if he looked me as his girlfriend. I asked him the other day: how should I introduce you if we were together and come accross my friend? He answered me immediately: boyfriend. And then I asked: so I am your girlfriend? He answered: Yeah! So, if you have doubt about where you should stand, ask him.

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Yeah, good way to go I also have a question to the posters in this thread, if a guy says he isn't 'dating' you yet acts all boyfriendish and wants you in his life, does it mean he considers you his girlfriend still? I mean dating is just a label of what 2 ppl do, but is there really a difference? The whole if it walks like a duck it is a duck? I'm beginning to doubt the whole it has to be labeled as dating to be considered bf/gf relationship. Anyhow, yeah asking is the best way to go.

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