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We were so happy, Until He came along....

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Hi Im New to this board.. I came accross in a Google Search. Umm.. I was with the most perfect guy you could ever ream of having.. he was not only sweet, he cared about me, how we were, if ever i was down he tried to cheer me up.. Until he met this other guy who is a druggie.. and.. he turned my ex into a druggie.. Everything was so perfect.. Him and I.. everyone said we were a cute couple... We were in a river cruse and he was singing the words to KC and Jo Jo in my ear.. when we were on the deck i was freezing cold ( wearing a skirt ) he gave me hes jumper to wear.. but then after "HE" came along.. i lost the guy of my dreams.. but we have gotten with each other at parties n stuff.. yet I cant seem to get over him.. and I saw him last night with "HE"...


How do I get over him.. I want him back though...

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I'm sorry, I don't know how you can get him back. The same thing happened to me last year. I never got him back. Once you lose someone to drugs, its hard to find the person they used to be and its hard to convince them to stay away from that stuff and get them back. Good Luck to you.

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yeh i know they change.. but when im with him.. i see a totally different person in him.. like a light.. I know hes craving for a male figure in hes life... hes dad died when he was young.. it just hurts to see him go down this lane.. because hes soo much better then going off and getting stoned every weekend.. and skipping school..

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heh heh, samething happened to me, only i got pissed at him and told him i would never see him again, i also told him that if he does something like that there is no point to his life. his grades started slipping, he acted like a jerk, he became a bully, until i stepped in. honey you got to be tough! hit him if you need to, ya know the classic movie thing, walk up to him and hit him, lol jk jk jk. but get tough and tell him that he is being an idiot, get dramatic, he will eventully come to his senses

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Ive just come back from being out with my new boyfriend.. Things feel right.. but One time wen we were kissing. I was htinking about my ex...


HP- Craft.. yeh thats exactly whats happened to him.. but i dont think i can change who he is.. because he prefer getting stoned and injuring himself and hes friends like burning each other with lighters....

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OH MY GOSH! That is sooo my ex too! And his dad died when he was only 364 days old. And his step-dad figure wasn't at all a dad to him, in fact they actually got into fist fights frequently. It is hard watching them go down that lane, because you know that they are better than that and have the potential to be better people, but they just make bad choices. I tried to help him for a year...then I just had to let go and accept the fact that I could not.

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Well my ex hasnt had a step dad.. not that I know of.. hes got an older sister.. who is like GOLD.. shes awesome her and I get along.. but .... hes changed... hahaa.. and now im ment to be with a new guy.. but when i was kissing him yesterday I thought of my ex.... thats really bad

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