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Will this miserable feeling just ever go away!!!!!!!!!!

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Speaking from experience, cutting can be a relief. There's something about blood that calms a person down and can soothe them or atleast it gets their mind off the other stresses in life if they're just watching themselves bleed. I never really CUT myself not deeply anyway but I used to do it all the time and it's been about a month since I've cut...I guess it was probably going to Colorado and Bible Camp that made me think about self mutilation and needing to stop.


I don't know if you're a religious person and being religious or not doesn't have anything to do with cutting. But I'd say from the Christian view point, you need to hand it over to God. A person can hardly control their life without help. It's not going to get any better if you don't seek help. When you give it over to Him it's no longer you in control it's Him and if He's in control he's not going to let you get hurt. Since I've handed it over to Him it's still been a struggle but it's a lot easier now and I dont find myself wanting to do it as often.


Good luck. God bless

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I know how you feel,i cut.I wish i could stop but its hard,as you know.Once you cut,its hard to never cut again.I think you should mention your cutting to your parents.That way they can get you some help.I mean like a therapist.I have been to one and it helped.I wish you the best of luck.If you ever need to talk feel fre to PM me.



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