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Growing Up...Losing Some things - gaining others.

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I'm not really sure what is going on with me, I guess I'm just growing up, but I can't help but think about the things that I am starting to lose.


My girlfriend and I of 13 months are really close, and we've been through alot together. We're absolutely perfect for each other. There's no problem here.


However, my friends...I never really had alot of friends that I hung out with out of school, but the two I do I am starting to move away from.


One of my friend's a little on the braging side, and he acts really immature for his age, and since I'm maturing I see no connection, all I see is a little kid trying to grow up, which makes it pretty hard to stick around. The other is completely negative about everything. He complains about everything, and if you or someone else does something that he dosn't he calls it "gay" or "dumb".


Like me for instance, I do kung fu, which is really great. However it is "gay" according to him, just because he's not doing it. It's really annoying to stick around this kid.


Pretty soon, I plan on getting a job, and learning how to drive. The job, along with kung fu, will leave time for me and my girlfriend only in all honesty. I want to become responsible and act a little bit more mature about things. Is this going to be a good thing for me..

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lol your "friends" arent really friends, im into manga and there is this kid who is always like, why do you draw that stuff, its so gay. "because i like it" seriouly, i dont know why i hang out with him. this is what we do all the time but i know he would never let me down if i needed him. but your friends dont sound like friends. if you dont like them you have 2 choices


1.just say we shouldnt hang anymore

2. just reply to whatever they say with a simple "really?" "cool" " *chuckle* just 1 word things, they will eventully get the hint.

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hey, i know how weird our age is. its like we're leaving our childhood and trying to really find ourselves and enjoy the so called "days of our lives" lol. and im scared myself about growing up. about friends, ive gone through alot, and its tough. about your friends, i know right now you feel like its the only people you really have and even though you know they're not your REAL friends, they're a past time for you. you dont need to ditch your friends, you should however talk to the downer one, because its wrong if he does that and you should just let him know that its not cool, and that it pisses you off when he judges things you're really into.


but try meeting new people, make friends in your kung fu thing, and dont you just LOVE DRIVING, maybe when you go to a driving school you might meet people you click with, or even just in your classes! just be more social try meeting new people. and congrats on your steady gf, i know its very hard at our age for relationships to really last. im with my first bf rite now and its almost 8 months, which has been a wonderful addition to my teen life. but it does make me aware that im not a little girl anymore, and driving and all the other additions are just really gr8, but the problems and worries of getting into a good university and such are starting to take its toll. i went through that faze when i thought everything i love i was losing. it was the end of grade 8, people from my family had passed, my two best friends moved, my childhood love moved, and all this happened just before high school. but till this day im still super close with those two girls, i have moved on and have a great bf, and school is great. so even though you are going to lose things, its all going to work out. just hold on to those precious memories and embrace the bright future.

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