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I went to a college not to long ago and was there for like five days. The last night I was there I was in this dorm room alone with somebody and we did shots and got a little tipsy. She left for a little bit and my brother and another guy and girl came in the room. They eventually fell a sleep and this girl came back. We ended up making out and dry humping each other (which I have no idea if she enjoyed it or not). The next day seemed a little odd and we didn't talk to much. I really want to know if she enjoyed herself or not but i'm kinda nervous to ask. I'm an emotional kid and she's a nice girl with the exception that she gets drunk a lot and wakes up in random guys beds not knowing where she's at. I just don't know if it meant anything to her or not because it was something i thought was special and i don't really want to be just another one of the guys. She was talking to her roomate and says she remembers the whole night but thats all i know. If she can remember the whole night i'm hoping she is going to remember me. I just don't know how to come upon asking her. I'm 16 by the way and she is 18. Any coments or replys would be appreciated. I just can't stop thinking about it and feel like there should be something more special there than just a night of romance.

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I'm sorry, I think you might have been just another one of those guys. I don't know what to tell ya. I'm sure she'll let ya know if she had a good time, if not then..that's too bad. Don't get too emotional over it, I'm sure lots of other girls will come along! Good Luck!

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