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waiting for my stuff to be returned

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its only been 10 days of NC but i am absolutely sure in my heart, i can not be with this person again. prior to NC i contacted through email, text and phone calls, because at that time it wasn't clear to me that we were breaking up. yes, he broke up with me through silent treatment or NC from his end. confusing isn't it. like kids playing. right now i have no more questions in my mind, no need for closure conversation, i just want my stuff back because i have saved money to obtain them in the first place. clothes, he can throw, but jewelry oh please i want them back. how to do it and when is a good time to pursue it. should i also mail his stuff back? i definitely do not want to make contact again. the aftermath of an ignored contact is just too much of a heartache.

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Did you live together or just date?


I would send him a message telling him that your friend Becky sue is coming by to pick up a box of your things - you would like your jewelry and clothes back (ask for it all and see what you get). She will be happy to come by on x day or x day. Please have it ready.

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  • 2 weeks later...

he has yet to mail my stuff strictly NC since break up. last communication was asking him to please mail my stuff back.

i guess ill have to kiss my stuff goodbye and likewise throw away his. i am not obsessed about them any longer. i am fine without them. just venting...

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