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Scared about new job..help!

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So I'm just graduating university and I got offered a job that I just began training for. I feel so much stress and anxiety because there is so much new information that I'm learning and it seems so difficult right now. I honestly believe that after a while I could get the hang of it, but everything just seems so scary now. I feel incompetent and have already asked so many questions. I don't want to fail or look miserable. I see the person who currently does that job and she is so amazing at it and just seems to know everything and it has been stressing me out. Theres just so much new information to learn with this job and I have been driving myself crazy stressing about it. Is there any tips anyone here has?

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As someone who used to manage people, I think it's fabulous that you feel incompetant! That means that you care about your job and want to do it to the best of your ability. The most brilliant people are NOT those who know everything, but those who are acutely aware of the things they don't know...


Keep asking questions!


There is no such thing as a dumb question. Own up to your mistakes. Take notes. Try not to make assumptions. Learn.


It's 100% normal to not know what you are doing. It's 100% normal to need to ask questions. The fact that you don't know and are ALREADY seeking the answers makes you a great employee, IMO. A bad employee is one who doesn't care, doesn't bother to learn, and makes a bunch of assumptions.


Just the fact that you are worried means that you are doing well. Try to relax a little knowing that it's normal - but keep it up!

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This is all part of the process. Employers know what to expect from new grads and everyone had to start where you're starting. No question is a stupid question so ask as much as you can, absorb as much as you can and not long from now you'll be great at what you do. Try to relax and throw some of that anxiety out the window because it will be conter productive.

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You'd rather be a fool asking..than be a fool not knowing....if that makes sense...anyway, I was just like you myself.. I was a nurse trainee who basically had very poor skills..and I was immersed in the most toxic emergency department...all sorts of patients come...and most often than not, i really find myself lost...but then ... I know I'm there for the right reasons.... I commend you for really trying your best to be good at your job... you're a working progress....Just don't compare yourself to anyone.... you'd be surprised to find yourself really doing better and better each day... and don't be scared if you fail on something... everybody goes through that... I must say, you just have take courage in whatever you do..don't cower in fear.. And don't let stress get you..do something stress busting..

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