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same nick name his mother uses.


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I have been seeing this guy since november, we hang out about 3 times a week and are getting pretty close recently. We don't have any nicknames for eachother, well he kinda doe sfor me he calls me kiddo. I dont have one for him and sometimes call him toots or mister in a playful way. So i have texted him toots times before and today we were texting back and forth and i said in one " How are you feeeling toos?" and he says "my mom calls me toos feel good kiddo ; )"



so my question to yall is should i stop calling him toots because his mother does it ?(FYI he is a grown man in his late 30's dont know if that matters) Was he trying to drop a hint by telling me that but then he added the smiley. What do you think?

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I have a nickname my whole family uses for me. Its from when I was only very little. I say whole family its really just my mum and grandfather.


But my ex used to call me it too, and I can honestly say it meant something different when she called me it. Its the exact same name, but her voice made it entirely different and to be frank I loved her calling me it because it was different to my family calling me it.


I wouldnt worry Perhaps just ask he if minds you calling him it too...he may be like me a prefer you saying it to his family lol

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