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I have fealings for my bestfriend

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Shes been my bestfriend for about a year, and Ive never felt this way about her before. We do all kinds of things together, go to amusment parks, go to the mall. She has always helped me through my series of short term relationships. I tell her everything, she tells me everything. But in the last few weeks I have been starting to have fealings for her. I want to tell her, and I think I wanna have a relationship with her. But I think if I tell her it will be a complete shock to her, and I don't know how she will react. I don't know what I should do, and I don't know what to say or do if I do decide to tell her.

Dave 8)

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I think that you should definitely tell her because if you don't you'll always wonder what might of been. You're right about one thing though, she probably would be very shocked, which is why you should ease into it. Start off by being a little more flirtacious with her and see her reaction, if all goes well than perhaps reach for her hand one day and tell her how you feel.

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ok well ive been there, really recently actually. I thought everything was goin great, she was being flitacious with me and i was to her and she layed her head down on my lap and told me to play with her hair so she could take a nap (she was pretty stressed and wasnt sleepin well), SHE ACTUALLY KISSED ME ON THE CHEEK, then one day i gathered up all of my courage and told her how i felt. she asked if i had feelings for anybody so i figured that she is askin cuz she liked me and wanted to know if i felt the same way. well i told her i had feelings for her, (didnt ask her out or anything just told her) and she was acting even nicer to me and everything for the rest of the night and then we both went home and it was a weekend and so the next monday during school she gave me a hug and never said a word to me for the rest of that day then.


she also didnt tell me everything that she used to. like how her life is, and what crappy hours she had to work, and how this guy at work was hitting on her, etc. and all of a sudden it seemed like she never wanted to talk to me. i tried but she never talked back.


so my advice is for you to decide if you would put your friendship on the line to ask her out, or you could be her best friend, or you could be her best friend and then one night when you KNOW you have her wrapped around your finger just kiss her out of the blue. then say "im sorry you just looked so beautiful and i couldnt resist." see if that gets you anywhere. i've never tried it but it seems like it might be a good attempt.


good luck and i hope your situation doesnt end up like mine did cuz trust me IT BITES THE BIG ONE.

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Hey This is a really hard thing to have to do. Trust me I know. One of my best friends is about the coolest guy you could meet. We spill everytyhing to each other. I totally love him but I'm to scared to do something about it.

Letting her know how you feel is a very good thing but you do have to be willing to take the risks. If she really is this awsome girl you say she is, I'm sure that you totally deserve each other but for it to work out, you both have to obviously want it to be more. The bad thing that can happen with letting her know is it becoming awkward. You really are putting the friendship on the line. I would suggest to try and find out more if she likes you the same way first. Maybe try flirting a little more or asking around or something. If find out that she does like you, I would go for it because it is an awsome thing to have your b/f or g/f your best friend but if you find out she doesn't like you that way (or at least not yet) you will still have that best friend you can always count on.

Hope everything works out for the best.




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I think that you should definitely do something about it!! I can give great advice. My best friend and I have known eachother for eight years and I love him dearly, we've been through a lot together but it seems like there has always been this underlying tension that we should get together. Well, he and his girlfriend were really having problems and I broke up with my boyfriend a month ago, so I was always there trying to help him. He broke up with her tonight and asked me out, so now we're together. I am a prime example that things between best friends can work out.

See, most of the time if a girl lets a guy get that close to her, it is almost impossible for her to not at least have some sort of feelings toward him. I can vouch for that, because you trust them so much. And I personally believe that best friends dating works out ten times as well because you can talk about anything. But that's just my opinion. Be brave and try talking to her and see if anything comes of it. But I wanted to add at least one good story, since I am dating my best guy friend and I haven't been this happy in a long time!!

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