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Advice: how do i be funny

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HAHAHA.... yeah be a poser man! Uh, if you want to be funny I suggest you watch a lot of funny movies and shows, get caught up on current events, and just be outgoing. If you know a lot of things and you learn what your friend likes, you can usaully make references to those things and joke about them. That's probably the best thing to do. Yeah, I'm a funny poser too minus the poser.



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Tell her this Joke (make sure shes a friend so she doesnt take offense to it)



"would you rather kiss a Donkeys butt, or a rabbit between it's ears"



If she says Rabbit between it's ears, Pull your pocket out of your pants on both sides, and smile.

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I don't think it's possible to TEACH someone how to be funny, and if you try practicing what you're going to say to her in advance you're just going to look lame because she'll know you prepared. Why not try to win girls over with something else other than humor? If you really want to be funny I suppose you try that book someone suggested, you might also want to try making a joke when something goes wrong rather than getting upset over it.

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hey man, if you wanna be funny, don't try. It will come naturally, sometimes the first thing that comes to mind you should blurt out. Sometimes it will make you look like a fool. Either way, it will still be you. Girls will eventually come around. Just relax and be who you are and be confident in who you are. That is the biggest turn on to a girl is what I've heard. If you like comedy, you should watch family guy or south park, and then when the chance arises you can quote something.

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I think it's complete BS that you can't "teach" how to be funny. That's like saying if you're not good with the ladies at first you'll never be. It's just a skill that you can acquire. That's why I suggest getting the book I mentioned. It's not a joke book but rather a way to interpret things in a humorous way...then just think of a few funny remarks to some common situations and you're off to the races.

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