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Losing Control Of Myself

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there is this girl im friends with named jen. i really like her and she sorta knows it, but she has a boyfriend. i say sorta becuz i told her i may have feelings for her, and htat i wasnt sure yet. when i told her that she said that if she wasnt withim her bf sum1 she would go out with. n e ways, time has passed but recenetly she lied to me, like a serious intended to deceive kind of lie. and she lied about it more than once, the doesnt normally act like this, but recently she has been doin alot of stuff like this. i want ot b mad at her, and i have every right to be. i feel like i've lost control of myself. i no wat i should do but i keep giving in to her. i keep letting her off easy and stuff. wat can i do?



this was more of a rant then a question, but still...

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