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He left me, on my bday.


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Yesterday was my bday, i woke up an checked facebook as i do most days, It was his best friends bday the day before He had bought her a 1600 dollar tv. I was furious! we are currently sleeping on a mattress on the floor because i thought we couldnt afford a bed frame atm. I got angry, i yelled alot. He packed his * * * * an left, he wont even speak to me, he says he needs a breather he doesnt know if he will be back, so does that usually mean he aint coming back??

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/hugs to you, give him a day or 2 then call him dont wait for him to coz men are stubbourn like that .If the call doesnt go well or is heated/argument filled then dont expect him too .But IMO he was very wrong buying a Tv when you needed a bed frame where's the sense in that

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Sorry heartovermind but if you're sleeping on a mattress and she's watching a $1600 tv, there's more to their relationship than you know..

Although he's not likely to admit it, they are together and he is stringing you along.

Please don't give him more of yourself than you already have.

Move onto bigger and better things with a man who will treat you like a princess and not just one of his harem.

Take care (hugs)

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