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hurt anyone and got them back?

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Well I'm fairly new to these posts but i did post one in the past at

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I'm wondering if anyone has ever left their ex with and impression that they were needy and scared them off. Have you ever had an emotional breakdown that scared them away because of that? I know that a lot of you did try and plea when your ex dumped you. I know that i did. I talked to her and plead, she sent something that hurt me and called me a depressed moapy person, and how much i have crashed and all of that. I got angry and said somethings back, like "why would i even want you anymore" "i'm sorry i love you, i'm sorry i even care" Has anyone said anything that hurt the other person and got the person back? I didn't mean what i said. I do love her and i mean it. But have you had any experences simlar to mine and got the person back?

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I don't think it would. I think initially that can be a real turn-off, and especially if she still cares about you in some sense, she probably doesn't like the fact that this is having so much of an effect on you. I think over time she'll gain some perspective and realise that it's only a natural response, as unappealing as it may be if you're on the other side, and she'll get over it.

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Yes, it can be a turn-off and very unappealing. But you should let yourself off the hook for it. We've all had our fragile moments, and the reality is that, when a relationship is already on the rocks, our partners aren't going to necessarily feel gung-ho about supporting us as we spiral further down into gloom and doom.


As you get older, your footing in life will be more sure and confident, and you will be able to deal with your emotions in a more patient and productive manner. You will still have times where you are very vulnerable, but you will learn to handle these times better. Honestly, almost all of us have had to go through this angst in the relationships we've had in our younger years. You are not alone in this or defective in some way. Hang in there, be good to yourself, and again - let yourself off the hook for showing the vulnerability. The relationship may be over, but you have learned many things from it, and love will definitely knock at your door again in the future.

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