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theres this girl...kinda like my best friend...i once had a crush on her and she once had a crush on me but it never work out because of the bad timing...recently like...3weeks ago, she said no to me when i told her i was in love with her...then i backed off because i wanted to move on! then a week ago, i started to talk to her again but i realize that i didnt get over her...and still have a little something something or her...what should i do...

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Since she doesn't feel the same way about you there's really nothing you can do but try to get over her. Try to keep the contact to a minimum for now because it'll be hard to move on if you see a lot of her. You must accept that although she did have a crush on you, this was in the past, and right now the future for you two only consists of a friendship.

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You could do something, but not with the approach you've been using.


If you understand that we fall for those who fulfill our emotional needs, make us feel special; we grow dependent on them doing so; they need to make sure that their doing so is turned on and off; and that while they do this, they remain, aloof, independent, not clingy or needy, well then you may have a chance.


If you want someone, you don't go up and say "I Love you", you go have fun with them, then see how they react. This means you need to read their body language. If they don't show good body language, back off. When they react the right way, you tell them you enjoy being with them. Tell them you should do it more often. if the reactions are good, then you ask them out.


You need to be a little subtle in your approach.


BTW, don't dare to make any moves for quite a while. The approach one should make is indirect. It is next to impossible for you to do that right after you said "I love you".

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