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Open letter to the nasty thing that my husband laid down with (long)


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I have continued to take the high road and vent to my husband, therapist and friends but I have some things I need to get off of my chest that are NOT appropriate for me to say out loud to those who know me.


Dear Ms. Nasty dirty,


For years I have raised the children that you abandoned to go be a wh@re and a drug addict. I have been to therapy appointments with both children and held them for days while they cried because the long for the egg donor to actually stand up and become a mom. I have watched you steal from them,lie to them and break their hearts on a regular basis. I dedicated myself to making your children feel safe, secure and loved, something that you are to big of a POS to accomplish on your BEST day.


If a REAL woman were in your shoes, they would be thanking me! Instead YOUR children may suffer the biggest loss of their lives because you and MY husband decided that you would have sex! You are beneath me in so many ways if I started to describe them, you would walk away with your tail between your legs crying. The fact that you smell like you rolled in grease, that you never shower, you have 4 children and can only see 1, and it won't be long before you don't have her either, she needs a stable home and you can't even give her a home, why? Your to effin lazy to get a job and support her. You sleep with anyone that will give you attention, I hear that you gave yourself a wedding gift of a threesome and neither man was the one that you married? LOL. You seem to think that you got some kids of revenge on me for something, honey, the man that you slept with, you know, the man that I am MARRIED to, puked at the thought that he touched your stank a@@! You may have very well destroyed everything that your children have going for them in their lives, I may walk away from the cheater, I can promise you that he will NEVER come back to you if I do leave, he has been on his knees begging me not to go, would he ever or has he ever done that for you? Absolutely NOT!


In a way, I feel very sorry for you, you have no self-esteem, none, you can't can't you slept with a man who on a regular basis tells you that your children would be better off if you had succeeded in killing yourself when you tried. He calls you names on a regular basis. His friends laugh at how nasty that you are. You have no home, no car, and no job. You will spread your legs to ANYONE that wants them spread. Maybe you should start charging for it, you may be able to support your children.


You are a disgusting excuse for a woman, a mother and a human and sweetie please believe that you have NOTHING on me, you were just there in his weak moments, even though I thought he was smarter then that! I look in the mirror and see someone who makes you look rode REAL hard and put away wet, INSIDE and OUT I'm prettier then you on ANY given day. I am carrying a 3.8 grade average in college, you couldn't even finish high school, I have the true love of your children, something you will NEVER know. I will ALWAYS be mom even if I choose to leave! I have my children and support them. I can and will always be able to look in the mirror at myself and know that I am a good person, you my dear, will NEVER get to know that feeling and how wonderful it is!

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I'm sorry for your pain. I know how you feel. It is very good therapy to write all that you are feeling down as you have done. I don't know whether you are planning on sending her this letter, that is up to you and none of my business, but the mere fact you got it all out of your head is such a sweet release to the torture you have been going through.

God Bless.

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In a way, I feel very sorry for you, you have no self-esteem, none, you can't can't you slept with a man who on a regular basis tells you that your children would be better off if you had succeeded in killing yourself when you tried. He calls you names on a regular basis. His friends laugh at how nasty that you are. You have no home, no car, and no job. You will spread your legs to ANYONE that wants them spread. Maybe you should start charging for it, you may be able to support your children.


If it's the OP's husband that is being referred to in this paragraph, I would question her decision to stick with a man whose actions so utterly belie his words (which are extremely cruel, IMHO). I also don't buy the excuses the OP is making for her husband re: his moments of weakness. I can understand her pain, like I said, but I think her desire to hurt the other woman (even if just through words) is an example of misdirected anger.

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If it's the OP's husband that is being referred to in this paragraph, I would question her decision to stick with a man whose actions so utterly belie his words (which are extremely cruel, IMHO). I also don't buy the excuses the OP is making for her husband re: his moments of weakness. I can understand her pain, like I said, but I think her desire to hurt the other woman (even if just through words) is an example of misdirected anger.


this. I would leave. unless the other woman actually raped him with drugs and sleeping pills. otherwise it was his own free choice, "moment of weakness" or not. the husband has just as much blame as the other woman. in fact, MORE, because he's the married one, not her.

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I think you're venting about the wrong person. I'd be way angrier at the person I share a bed with, who made promises of fidelity to me, not an unstable woman who's promised me nothing. And it's sad if he did in fact tell this woman that she should have killed herself. Nobody's worth is so low that they should be told something like that.

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I think you're venting about the wrong person. I'd be way angrier at the person I share a bed with, who made promises of fidelity to me, not an unstable woman who's promised me nothing. And it's sad if he did in fact tell this woman that she should have killed herself. Nobody's worth is so low that they should be told something like that.


I agree with this. If you're going to be angry, be angry at your husband. HE made the choice to sleep with her. HE was the one who made promises to you and was supposed to stay faithful.

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I think you're venting about the wrong person. I'd be way angrier at the person I share a bed with, who made promises of fidelity to me, not an unstable woman who's promised me nothing. And it's sad if he did in fact tell this woman that she should have killed herself. Nobody's worth is so low that they should be told something like that.


Agreed. This part really stuck with me. I don't think I'd want to be with someone who spoke so cruelly of another person.

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