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Dumpee or dumper hmmmm....

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Ok I have posted on ENA about my story so to reiterate...Ex and I were together for 3.5 yrs. Last 6 months difficult. Came down to him not trusting me (nothing to do with infidelity) enough for it affecting him. So in December I told him I did not want to be with someone who did not trust me and I asked if he agreed. He said yes than proceeded to move out on the 28th of December. Figured I was the dumper.


He returned for a couple of days in January to move and ship his truck and belongings. Those couple of days were wonderful for both of us. I told him that I would wait for him until he got some help for his "issue". His response, everything will be ok, I love you. So didn't make contact for a couple of days then txt him to see how he was doing. He said he was feeling bitter. I asked if bitter at me, no response from him. No response for 2 weeks. Now feeling like got dumped.


Txt him after the two weeks regarding mail. Took oportunity to tell him I love him and want to spend the rest of my life with him. No response since, have not txt or called him either. It has been exactly 33 days since NC. So was I the dumpee or did I get dumped. Don't know why but I find this quite funny, it has tickled my funny bone... Pain still there just this topic I find funny. I read an earlier post about how the dumpee is and how long it "usually" takes them to miss the person they dumped, hence my want to know if I am the dumpee or did I get dumped. I have the pain and hurt from someone who has been dumped but I think I was the dumpee...Any comment ENA family?????

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I see you as the dumper here honestly, however just because you were the dumper doesn't mean the feeling of hurt and rejection is not real and painful. I think at this point he was hurt and went into NC mode, that is why he hasn't returned your text. Could be for a few reasons- he was hurting, or just wanted to move on and didn't want to be in contact anymore. Regardless of who ended things it will hurt like hell to be brushed off. I was the dumper (Many factors involved in it) and there was a lot of back and forth for us, and it still hurt me more then anything when he gave me the cold shoulder afterward.

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