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Best book for managing long term relationships

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Boundaries in Marraige by Cloud & Townsend


The 5 Love languages by Gary Chapman,


Love & Respect: The Love She Most Deires; The Respect He Desperatly Needs by Emerson Eggerichs,


Sheet Music: Uncovering the Secrets of Sexual Intimacy in Marriage -by Kevin Leman

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Boundaries in Marraige by Cloud & Townsend


The 5 Love languages by Gary Chapman,


Definitely good choices...


I'm also partial to:


No More Mr. Nice Guy (Robert Glover) (Not the best read, but the best practical advice) (For men)


Too Nice For Your Own Good by Duke Robinson (for men)


The Bible. There is plenty of good relationship advice in there, if you know where to look, and apply it.


The Marriage Makeover: Finding Happiness in Imperfect Harmony by Joshua Coleman. (This is a good book for people already in deep trouble, but its helpful for those of us with lesser problems as well).

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  • 5 months later...
Boundaries in Marraige by Cloud & Townsend


The 5 Love languages by Gary Chapman,


Love & Respect: The Love She Most Deires; The Respect He Desperatly Needs by Emerson Eggerichs,


Sheet Music: Uncovering the Secrets of Sexual Intimacy in Marriage -by Kevin Leman


Boundaries in Marraige by Cloud & Townsend


The 5 Love languages by Gary Chapman,


Definitely good choices...


I'm also partial to:


No More Mr. Nice Guy (Robert Glover) (Not the best read, but the best practical advice) (For men)


Too Nice For Your Own Good by Duke Robinson (for men)


The Bible. There is plenty of good relationship advice in there, if you know where to look, and apply it.


The Marriage Makeover: Finding Happiness in Imperfect Harmony by Joshua Coleman. (This is a good book for people already in deep trouble, but its helpful for those of us with lesser problems as well).

All good recommendations.

I've read Sheet Music and I think we have The 5 Love languages by Gary Chapman.


On another board, these two were recommended to me: (bought them when I bought a boatload of Christian and secular marriage and sex improvement books recently, trying to save my sexless marriage).

-Intimacy & Desire: Awaken the Passion in Your Relationship - Dr. David Schnarch P.h.D;

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-Resurrecting Sex: Solving Sexual Problems and Revolutionizing Your Relationship - David Schnarch;

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The second is mistitlte. It can help you bring back sex into your marriage, which is why you're likely wanting to buy those books, but it's more about improving your relationship. The last two chapters are "not for the faint at heart," the author warns, so I've stopped just before and haven't read those. May but don't want to get "too excited" just yet.


The first is -- it's hard to describe how great it is. It's more psychological.

While I have a Master's degree and consider myself somewhat "smart," it's not an easy read. Find myself rereading graphs to make sure I understand.

You'll find yourself highlighting much of the text.


Don't plan to finish the first one on a flight. It's more difficult to read but so packed with information I never considered, like this morsel:

Just because your partner doesn't have as high a drive as you, that doesn't mean the other doesn't love you.


Sexual problems are normal within couples.


Guarantee you'll get a lot out of either of those books. The reviews on Amazon will tell you more.

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al turtle is fantastic...in my humble opinion. i'm not in any sort of relationship at the moment...and i still find myself reading his articles from time to time. brilliant stuff.


also recall harville hendrix (can't remember the specific books...but it has something to do with ''IMAGO''...suppose you could google that?) being a pretty good read (once upon a time). all about building safety in relationship. inspiring openness and trust...a willingness to share and be heard. transcending differences...and moving through the inevitable 'power struggle' and into a more mature love.



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