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I've been having nightmares for three years now...

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Every since the girl I was dating broke up with me (we ended up fooling around for about a year...smart move on my part..note the sarcasm there) It was a great relationship..love...well blah blah you've heard it all before.


Anyway, Every few weeks or so I have a really bad dream about her, with another guy, or telling me my faults etc etc. This has been going on for three years now and they only get worse. For a full year I didn't even have any contact with her nor did I think about her, so it was strange that I was still having these nightmares.


Has this happened to anyone else? Or am I certifiably insane? Any help to suppress these dreams would be mucho appriciated.

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I don't think you are insane. Sounds to me like you have some unresolved issues with this girl. Perhaps finding out what she is up to now might help. If you could talk to her and clarify that she doesn't hate you, etc you may be able to sleep easy. If that doesn't help maybe its your subconscious trying to tell you something. Though not sure what (and I'm a psych grad!!). My advice- look her up.


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Well I know she doesn't hate me, just because she never has...she always tries to stay in contact with me to some degree. For instance she wants to hang out sometime next week, do a little catching up because it's been so long. That's why the dreams confuse me because I know she's always liked me, whether as more or just as friend.


I'm not sure what to think about the dreams, but if I'm not insane now, I will be soon if this continues.

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The dreams are telling you something, and they are only about YOU, not her. I studied dream interpretation for quite a while.


The only symbol in the dream is her, and she's talking to you, right? Who is the other guy? The first step is to think about her. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about her? You said she likes you and you've always thought she was a friend. What do you think of her personality? At this point, the other guy represents an unknown aspect of yourself.


The dream is telling you that (whatever you think of this girl) is an aspect of yourself and it's trying to tell you something about your life. I'd need to know more about what you think of her in order to help you further.

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I have had just about the very same thing...over and over again I would dream about the divorce. There was a very slight difference in some of the details, but the end result was always the same..basically, the dreams had the same people involved and the same feelings were present when I woke up...pain and frustration...I always thought it was me trying to resolve the issues...I wish I could resole the issues when I was awake and let me rest when I sleep...have you considered finding a therapist to share these dreams with? Time does heal, but in your case, Id say 3 years is long enought.

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The dreams are not about the other person in the dream, they are only about you and your own mind. The people in your dreams represent aspects of yourself.


For example, if I think someone is dishonest, this person might show up in my dreams when I personally feel like I've been dishonest. Does that make sense.... it's called the language of mind. It's like learning a whole new language. It's fun and educational for personal growth to learn what our dreams tell us.


If you have recurring dreams about an ex, there is an aspect of yourself that feels like (the way you feel about your ex) and your mind is using your ex as a tool to tell you what is going on or what you need to think about. Usually the dream is a reflection of the past 24 hours of your life before you went to sleep, or the following 24 to come. Not in literal terms! Just symbolic. There are exceptions, such as Pre-cognitive dreams (predicting actual future events as they appear in the dream) but these are rare.

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its happened to me..Its like so weird...i had one where im screaming at my ex boyfriend..n hes the one that broke up with me after i brok eup with him first...its been like 6 or 7 months since i seen him last n sometimes even now i have dreams..dont let those dreams haunt u..there just dreams!

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