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i gave her a year of my life and now shes with another guy

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me and my ex had the most perfect relationship. we spent every waking moment together and we were definitely in love. we dated for a year and things were really serious. but suddenly, things started to go south. so we decided to take a break. but i come to find out that the day we break up, she is with this other guy. now they are dating, and i have to see them together almost everyday. it makes me sick to my stomach knowing that he has got her now. how do i get over her. i need to know badly.[/b]

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NO CONTACT!!!! Right away!!! I went through the same thing with my ex and that was over four years and two of which we lived together.


Stop all contact and start moving on. Get out and do things, go out with friends, volunteer your free time, or join a gym. Just get out and keep as busy as possible and make sure you talk to your friends/family about how you feel.


In time things will get better and you'll realize your a better person than her by letting this go. She is the one who will eventually have to deal with the bones in her closet.


Stay strong and keep moving.


Hubman 8)

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that totally sucks, i'm really sorry.


sounds like she found this other bloke & decided to leave you for him if she was with him that very same day...man, that is low. I feel for you, man.


i'd try not to think about it...(easy for me to say right?)


there's other chicks out there for you...obviously she wasn't the one...time to go fishing


best of luck

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feels really bad when you see someone you love/used to love with someone else. when she just jumps on to the next relationship right after you two are over.


id say, try not to go to places where you're sure you'll see them. yeah, noc ontact. make yourself busy, dont dwell on it.


hope you get over her soon.


my 2c

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People like that often fall into a pattern... Once the relationship is stable, it seems boring to them and they look for something new.


Just remember, grass is not always greener, and karma will come around. Stay your high ground and take time to heal. Don't hate her, anger will only prolong your pain. Eventually try to forgive, though forgiveness is not forgetting. I think this is the only way to recover.

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Accept that it is over with your ex and once you have done that it wont bother you anymore. Realize that if she is gonna break up with you then just move on to the next guy that she isnt the kind of girl you want or need. You need to atleast talk to other females preferably multiple just as friends or whatever occupy your time with them while you are working on accepting the situation. Nothing serious but just friendly and dont talk about your ex with these females just be coo

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