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Good books on building trust


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So I've posted in other threads around the issue in my relationship and things are starting to get a little better between us.


What I really want to do is build up her trust in me again which seems lost.



Does anyone know any good books or resources around building trust in relationships?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Probably the best source of all: the Bible, I recommend Ephesians 5:25-33, Peter 3:7, Corinthians 7-3-5, Colossians 3:19. and Proverbs 5:18-20. While its only one standard of love, and a high one at that, it has been my experience that the people who are receiving, and giving that standard of love have very minimal trust issues.


The words are easy; the hard part if the application of them. Not only does their application build trust, it builds reconciliation.


I'm also a rather big fan of another book on trust from a different angle, that comes from unleashing who you are (its not as effective as the above, but its nearly as life changing): link removed


Both of them encourage honest soul seeking, and are an invaluable resource to any man attempting to navigate where you are.

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