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Been told NEVER want to see you again... but they DO!

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Emotions, hormones and stress make people say or do things in certain situations that they really dont meant to. Take this as an example. I'm sure you were mad at someone at some point and then later regretted it and felt it was wrong. Well the same thing applies here. Sure its on a much higher level but peoples feeling change when they get a chance to think about it unless something major happens like cheating or physically hurting the other person. Then that person may never want you back nor should they!

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I agree with Justplainsad. Things are said in the heat of the moment and sometimes we say things we will regret later. She may or maynot actually mean it but, she was so mad that it came out.


My motto when I am mad I go cool off somewhere away from her so when I come back we can talk about it as civilized adults. Give her a day or two before you call her to let her cool off.


I also have to say that it depends on what you did to make her this mad. I mean if you got caught cheating and she said she no longer wants you in her life then she may mean it. I all depends on what led up to her saying this to you.


Hubman 8)

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Well we are actually broken up and she has gotten very mad for certain reasons.


From a loving relationship which was full of admiration for eachother to nothing - she has issues she needs to deal with. Thats why we broke up! No matter who was with her at the time she would have broken up. She needs time to find herself etc.


So now she ways I never want to see you in a very long time.


Do they really mean this? Surely they must calm down and want to know how you are doing at some time?

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It could mean she is very confused about a lot of issues in her head and she doesnt want to drag you down with her, shoe could noy want to give you a 1/2 *Censored* relationship because she does care for you deeply or she could have met someone new and made a quick decision to leave you. There are many many possibilities. Keep your cool. Let her be for a little while then approach her as a friend after that period. Then read her voice or if you see her in person her body language. You said she has issues she needs to deal with. If they are big issues they will take all of her effort to handle. Just give her some time.

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It could mean she is very confused about a lot of issues in her head and she doesnt want to drag you down with her, shoe could noy want to give you a 1/2 A55ED relationship because she does care for you deeply or she could have met someone new and made a quick decision to leave you. There are many many possibilities. Keep your cool. Let her be for a little while then approach her as a friend after that period. Then read her voice or if you see her in person her body language. You said she has issues she needs to deal with. If they are big issues they will take all of her effort to handle. Just give her some time.


That happen to me but yet- my ex -he still wants to see me . what gives ?

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